Akshay Mahadik UPSC Marksheet, Age, Biography, Rank, Instagram

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Akshay Mahadik UPSC Topper
Akshay Mahadik UPSC Topper

Akshay Mahadik UPSC Topper Biography

Hello Guys! I am Akshay Mahadik. I have secured AIR 212 in CSE 2021. It was my second attempt. I will try my best to give you my insights about Civil services examination!

Akshay Mahadik UPSC Booklist

A brief history of modern India (Spectrum)Get Book
Indian Art and Culture by Nitin SinghaniaGet Book
Certificate Physical & Human Geography by GC LeongGet Book
AtlasGet Book
Indian Polity by LaxmikanthGet Book
Indian EconomyGet Book
Shankar IAS EnvironmentGet Book
Internal Security and Disaster Management by AshokGet Book

Akshay Mahadik UPSC Topper Marksheet

Akshay Mahadik UPSC Marksheet
Akshay Mahadik UPSC Marksheet

Akshay Mahadik UPSC Topper Marksheet

Akshay Mahadik UPSC Marksheet
Akshay Mahadik UPSC Marksheet

What made me fail in my first UPSC CSE Prelims 2020?

  1. I couldn’t stay calm in real examination. So I ended up making silly mistakes.
    For eg.
    1.There was question on aim of bureaucracy. I committed a mistake of not reading all the options.
    2.Question on Expansionary Monetary Policy- “Not correct” statements were asked. I committed mistake of marking correct statements.
    These 2 questions cost me 1.5 years of my life.
  2. Less focussing on static part and over emphasis on current affairs. I used to give 60/70% of my preparation time to current affairs.
  3. Too much Sources. I used to keep 3/4 sources for one subject. I ended up recalling nothing in real exam.

Gyaan- Prelims is all about being mentally stable in real exam hall and being conscious. It helps you to be aware while solving questions and applying your logic properly. I know its really tough to be calm when everything is on stake in our life. But aapan toh bolega abhi….be calm…Stay calm🤩🤪

Akshay Mahadik UPSC Topper Interview Transcript

Optional- Anthropology

State- Maharashtra

Hobby-Vipassana, web series and movies

Background- Mechanical engineering

Optional- Anthropology

forenoon session

Panel- Choubey Sir

chair- told me to remove mask if dont have any symptoms
1.Introduce urself with ur background.

  1. What is DBT ? Where it is used in various sectors?
    3.Should we abolish Rajyasabha?


  1. when should one start doing meditation?young age or old age?

2.Why Nano car didn’t take off in India?
some counter que.

3.Rise of OTT and impact on movies.

M2-.What is difference between strategy and policy?

2.Atmanirbhar Bharat context and que on what should be done to make India developed country?

M3- what’s famous in ur district?
origin of paithani Saree.

1.Why there is rise in inequality in world?

2.Impact of technology on inequality.

3.Electric vehicles -challenges in India, how should we roll out EVs in India.

Chair- Is there anything u want to discuss?
I talked about Vipassana.
My Interview lasted for 25-30 mins.

Tips to prepare for UPSC CSE Prelims exam by Akshay Mahadik UPSC Topper

Preliminary Examination-

In my opinion, It is the most unpredictable phase in the CSE Journey. In my first attempt, I failed to qualify cutoff by 1.36 marks. In my second attempt I managed to score 99 to 104( according to classes answer keys, as I had opted for IFS, prelims marksheets haven’t been published yet).

We have few days left for Prelims Exam. I just want to say that Every aspirant goes through this anxiety. Even last year , 3/4 days before prelims examination, I was feeling anxious too. But beauty of prelims is that everyone knows 25-30 questions with confidence. In 2021, I could solve 23 questions with confidence. Still I attempted 92 questions. So every serious aspirant faces this situation.

I won’t say that eliminate your anxiety, It’s not possible as we all are human being. But more you carry free mind in examination, better are chances of being aware in stressful situation in exam hall.

One thing I wanted to add that try to simulate your “prelims D day” one or two days before the prelims.
For eg. If it’s 8.30 am , think about you getting ready for examination and that stress. At 9.30, think- You have question paper in your hand. You are going through question paper. Feel that pressure before hand. It helped me in real exam hall where I couldn’t solve first 10 questions at all.

Rest you all know very well!!!
Best wishes😊

Prelims Booklist of Akshay Mahadik UPSC Topper

Prelims Sources(2021)-

11th and 12th NCERTS

Mrunal Sir’s Notes

6th to 12th NCERT
Selective topics from GC Leong
(Climate types, solar system,etc.)

Rau’s IAS PT Compass
Selective reading from Shankar IAS(never read this completely)

ALSO READ  Aditya Jain (UPSC TOPPER) IAS Biography, UPSC Marksheet, Age, Rank, Optional Subject, Notes

Modern History-
8th and 12th theme part 3 NCERTS
Parmar sir’s notes( Vajiram and Ravi)
Ancient History
6th and 12th theme part 1 NCERT
Tamil Nadu State book

Medieval History-
7th and 12th theme part 2 NCERT
Tamil Nadu State book

Art and Culture-
Selective topics from Nitin Singhania sir’s book like temple architecture, Jainism and Buddhism,etc.
Fine arts NCERT

Sci and tech-
PT 365
Target UPSC notes
Kaushik sir’s notes
Random Google search

Ias parliament pdf on intl organizations
PT 365

Current affairs-
For Pre 2020-
Sunya IAS notes
For Pre 2021-
PT 365

Test Series-
Pre 2020-
Vision IAS( sectional+ full length)
Insights IAS( 5/6 full length)
Baliyans IAS( full length tests)
Forum IAS(Full length tests)
GS Score ( Full length test)
Around 100 in total- couldn’t revise in the end.

For Pre 2021-
Vision IAS( sectional+ full length)
Forum IAS(3/4 full length)
IAS Baba(1/2 full length)
Random All India mock tests(1/2)
Around 50 in total!

Plus most Important- Analysis of PYQs from any book which provides them at one place

Online Platforms Used-
You tube-
Target UPSC( for some current affairs videos)
IAS Baba(some RaRe videos,
couldn’t complete it)
Random questions from Insights 75 days plan

  • Random videos on any specific topic

Telegram Channels-
Economy by Vivek Singh sir
Upsc highlights by Vikas sir-
Vaishali Anand ma’am Channel
Kaushik sir’s channel
Shubham Kumar sir’s channel
Jagruti ma’am channel
Civil services examination congress channel

Best wishes😊

685+ strategies for UPSC CSE Exam preparation by Akshay Mahadik UPSC Topper

One thing every candidate should understand that there is no single specific strategy in CSE Preparation. You will get 685+ strategies from all the selected candidates. Every person has different set of skill sets and he/she has to customize it accordingly.

Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. So he/she should work on own weakness, rather than following “one size fits all approach”. Even I have tried and tested many sources and then came to final ones, because they suited to my skill sets.

Even my strategy was just a plan before final results. In this exam there is no perfect strategy and no perfect source. I would try my best to help you understand “what not to do” in CSE Preparation(everyone knows what to do😁). Though I have cleared the examination, still I don’t know all the things. There are tons of other candidates with more knowledge than me.

So believe in your own skill sets and take what you need as per your requirements.

Best wishes😊

Secret Preparation strategy by Akshay Mahadik UPSC Topper

Preliminary Examination-

Disclaimer- It’s not something I invented, it’s well known strategy shared by previous toppers.

My Experience-

*Please fill the OMR sheet details carefully. My friend has lost one year just because he committed mistake in filling roll number in OMR sheet.

My way of Approaching Prelims Paper-

First 40 min.-

I tried to cover entire paper once and just marked those questions on question paper which I was confident about.I didn’t touch OMR sheet in this round. In first round, I could solve 23 questions only with confidence. Still I committed mistake in 2 questions.
My observation –
I found starting 10/15 questions very difficult. Last year I had set D, in that paper I could not solve any question on the first page. Same thing happened in first attempt too. Easier questions on subjects like Polity/ Economy were after 50/60 questions.(I am not sure about other sets but this is my observation). So don’t get frightened seeing tough questions first.

Next 45 min-
In this round, I started bubbling answers on OMR sheet( questions marked in first round+ second round)
In this round I used to solve questions which I am 50% sure of. I solved around 35/40 questions in this round.
My logic- I used to commit mistake in first round due to pressure. So in my second round I had liberty to rethink about the answer and mark on OMR sheet.
I marked around 60/65 answers on OMR sheet at the end of the second round.

Next 20 min-
I solved those questions where I was able to apply some logic/ eliminate any option with common sense.
So at the end of the 3rd round, I could solve 78-82 questions.

Last 15 min-
I was exhausted with all my knowledge at the end of the third round. But I knew that I generally used to make 25/30 questions wrong in entire paper as my accuracy rate was low. So I had to solve more than 90 questions. So in this round, I solved those questions which I could use some logic/ instinct ( we call it logical Tukka).

So at the end of the last round, I attempted 92 questions in prelims 2021 and could score 99.54 in that paper.

Above strategy is not something new. Now every one will come up with their own strategy and will confuse you(including me). Like I said yesterday, believe in your own skill sets, your own method of solving paper. There are many candidates who have scored more than me in that paper. They too had their own strategy.I have shared my way of approaching GS paper of prelims 2021.

Coaching Institutes Joined by Akshay Mahadik UPSC Topper

Following are the coachings I have been associated with-

Classroom courses-
Vajiram and Ravi(July 2019 batch)
Anthropology Optional-
Vaid ICS(Sept 2019 Batch)

Other Coachings-
1.Target UPSC( Sci&tech course for prelims)
2.IAS Hub(Medieval History course)
3.Only IAS(Worked in Content Development for Jan 2022 to March 2022)
4.EDEN IAS(Worked as Content Reviewer)

Test Series-(Mains)
Vision IAS(GS)- 4 full length GS tests
Lukmaan IAS(Essay)- 1 essay
L2a(Anthropology)- Gave 2 tests
Vishnu IAS academy (Gave only 1 test)

Mock Interview-
Chahal Academy
Vajirao and Reddy
Rau’s IAS
Baliyans Academy
Next IAS
IAS hub
One to one session with Ravindran Sir(vajiram) and Vinay Kumar Sir( Insights IAS)

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I will share sources of mains examination (GS, Optional) and my test series papers after 5th June.

My GS Score- 403 GS2(114)
Anthro Optional- 270
Essay- 138

You can ask me about any other queries in this comment section. I will try to help you in my best capacity through next posts.

How to manage Time in UPSC CSE CSAT Paper by Akshay Mahadik UPSC Topper?

I have scored 119.18 and 112 in my respective attempts.

My Approach-
1.Try to solve Quants and apti questions first in first 1 hr.
2.Then go for passages for next 50 min

  1. In last 10 min. , Try to solve few more Quants questions.
    4.I have noticed that some of the Quants/apti questions at the start are bit difficult.Dont waste time on them much. You will find comparatively easy questions in later part of the paper.
  2. Try to attempt as much as possible questions.
    6.I used to solve 65+ questions in CSAT Paper. I find passage questions tricky. So generally I depend upon Quants and apti questions more.

My approach to passage questions-
I generally read questions on passage first and glance through options and then passage. It helped me focussing on exact area in passage and saving few seconds in each question.

Quants and apti questions-
If you are not able to solve the question in 1/1.5 min, then move to next question. Dont get panicked. The paper is same for everyone.

When you see good score of anyone. Just don’t compare yourself with him/her.
For eg. since childhood I have been into many competitive examinations like NTSE. So I find Quants questions more comfortable than passage ones. Your opinion may differ in above CSAT paper plan.

Prelims Questions Repeated in Civil service Exam

As prelims is over, many of you will check different answer keys now. You will find one of the question in particular answer key is given wrong , while the same question is given right in other answer key. It will create unnecessary anxiety in your mind.
Most of the candidates fall into 80 to 100 marks bracket(including me). There are few people around who score above 110. So those 2/3 controversial questions will matter alot to you.

In my 3 years of preparation and 2 prelims attempt, I have devoted atleast 20 days on speculation of my score through various answer keys. In the end, UPSC comes up with its answer key next year which is different from these answer keys.

Today’s papers were tough to solve, as you could find only some basic questions in polity and economy. I would request all of those, who have given this prelims, don’t get anxious by variation in your marks by different answer keys. In my first attempt, I found divergence of 13 marks as per official answer key. Just focus on what you can do till results are declared(which I could not).

For me, prelims was the toughest part to clear, as there is a lot of randomness in this phase. There is difference between toughness and randomness. You can beat tough paper by more hardwork, but you can’t chase randomness of prelims paper.

You will see many people saying that( ye yaha se aya, vo toh is book mein tha). Also some will say- ye toh easy question tha( these are mostly those people who haven’t given the paper and talk about paper sitting outside the exam hall. As retrospectively everyone finds the logic in that question.)

Also people will say that it was previous year question. How are you supposed to remember 2000 pyqs in the exam hall. As the easiest question seems very difficult in exam hall.

You have done your job. Just chill for some time. Rest you all know what to do.
Best wishes 😊

UPSC CSE Mains Booklist by Akshay Mahadik UPSC Topper

Society- Saurabh Kumar sir’s notes
+ Mains 365+ IAS BABA TLP questions
Geography- Rajtanil ma’am ppts( Mrunal website)+ NCERTs

World History- Only IAS notes/ decode History (Mudit Jain sir)

Modern History- spectrum
Reverse analysis of IAS BABA TLP+
Previous Vision IAS tests

Post Independence- Vision material (around 70/80 pages)

Ancient, art and culture-
Karishma Nair ma’am notes
Reverse analysis of IAS BABA TLP+ Vision IAS previous tests.

You will find above notes on their respective channels!

My preparation was based entirely on syllabus points.

I found reverse analysis of questions more effective.

Reverse Analysis of UPSC Civil Services Exam by Akshay Mahadik UPSC Topper

There are many topics in GS paper which don’t have specific sources. So try to cover them through analysis of questions asked in TLP or any test series. It helps to cover that topic faster and to remember those points for any similar questions asked on that topic. In the end , we have to write above average/good answers in examination. We can’t write perfect answers to each and every question. So we should have enough content to address the demand of the question.I will try to explain it through following example.

Eg. If you have to prepare a topic called sangam literature. You should have enough content to address the demand of the question. So I used to search for question related to sangam literature in Vision/ TLP. So through the solution given under the question gives you enough content to address the demand of mostly all the questions possible on that topic. Also it helps to expand the brainstorming ability as you will find many dimensions in solutions.

Reverse analysis of questions helped me in linking content of one solution to another in real exam. Also you can’t specifically prepare for certain questions like( how social instruments lead to poverty?). These can be prepared through this method.

Also stick to syllabus points and pyqs. Prepare only that much content which you can revise it on the last day of exam.

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Best wishes😊

Answer Writing strategy by Akshay Mahadik UPSC Topper

I have studied my Optional in question-answer format only. For GS part, I started my answer writing after prelims 2021. In total I gave 5/6 GS mains mock tests. I got 403 in 4 GS and 138 in essay.

Following are the points I keep in mind while writing the answer-

  1. Demand of the question-
    Try to stick to the demand of the question. Dont write whatever you know about that topic in answer. Just put arguments only in context of demand of the question.
  2. Time for each answer-
    We have to write 20 answers in total. We get around 7/8 min for 10 marks question and 9/10 min for 15 marks question including the time required for understanding the question. Also there is difference between writing for 3 hrs straight and writing single answer in 7/8 min. Try to write 20 questions at once. It will make u understand where u lack.
  3. Diversify points-
    Try to cover as much dimensions as possible in answer. I will share some common methods to improve dimensions.(jugaads)
  4. Word limit-
    After writing answers, you will understand how many words you are writing in single page. Try to maintain word limit.
  5. Diagrams/flow charts/maps-
    Use diagrams if possible. Also it should not look forced and dragged into answer. Diagrams/ flow charts should look natural with answers.
  6. Presentation and highlight-
    Try to keep your answers neat and underline important points.

I have written very few tests, because I could complete my paper within time limit. So I had to focus more on content. It may vary as per your strengths and weaknesses. Some may have good hold on content, then they should practice more to complete their paper in time limit. Also answer writing strategy for each and every person will differ as each person has different skill sets.

Best wishes😊

GS 2 Booklist of UPSC Civil Services Exam by Akshay Mahadik UPSC Topper

GS 2 sources

My score- 114

Only IAS polity Notes( mains)
IAS Baba TLP(random questions)
M.Laxmikanth( static part)
Mains 365

Vision IAS value added Material
Mains 365

Social Justice-
Saurabh Kumar sir’s notes(society)
Mains 365

Mains 365

Value addition-
1.Articles from constitution

  1. Supreme court judgement related to syllabus points
  2. Recommendations by any committee for particular issue
  3. Best practices for way forward
  4. Maps for IR

Stick to syllabus points!!

Best wishes😊

Anthropology Optional Booklist FOR UPSC CIVIL SERVICES EXAM by Akshay Mahadik UPSC Topper


Paper 1
Score – 137

Socio-cultural Anthropology-
NK vaid sir’s book- In search of ourselves
Ember ember- selective topics
Sachin Gupta sir’s notes
Akshat jain sir’s book
Vaid sir’s class notes

Physical Anthropology-
Sachin Gupta sir’s notes
Akshat Jain sir’s book
Vaid ics class notes
Vishnu sir’s book- selective

Online Platforms-
Varnit Negi sir’s blog
Anthroguru telegram channel
Anthromaster telegram channel
Random Google search

Test series-
L2a institute (gave 1 test)
Vishnu IAS academy ( gave 1 test)

Anthropology Optional Paper 2 Booklist FOR UPSC CIVIL SERVICES EXAM by Akshay Mahadik UPSC Topper


Paper 2
Score- 133

Indian Society/ archaeology part-
Vaid sir’s class notes
Akshat Jain sir’s book
Sachin Gupta sir’s notes
Mandar patki sir’s notes(selective)
India Anthropology by Nadeem Hasnain

Tribal India part-
Vaid sir’s class notes
Akshat Jain sir’s book
Sachin Gupta sir’s notes
Mandar patki sir’s notes(selective)

Online platforms-
Anthromaster telegram channel
Anthroguru telegram channel
Random google search for case studies

Test Series-
L2a- couldn’t write paper 2 tests
Vishnu IAS academy- 1 test given

Notes making strategy by Akshay Mahadik UPSC Topper

I haven’t made any notes of any subject in my preparation. I just highlight whatever topic I am reading in that source only. If I have diverse sources for particular topic, then either I write on the page of book or just tear off that page and attach to my source. I only made micro notes of some topics of anthropology like thinkers, archaeology,etc.

I generally use 3 highlighters while studying. Also I put a star on some important statement in book to revise it again. For eg. In Laxmikanth book, I put 1/2/3 stars depending upon importance of that statement in my view point. Also I read some books in soft copy. I highlighted them on my laptop only.

Best wishes😊

GS strategy for UPSC Civil Services Exam by Akshay Mahadik UPSC Topper

GS 3-

Score- 86

As I have scored less marks in GS 3 , it would not be right on my part to share my sources and strategy to you guys, but I will share my opinion on what didn’t work for me in GS 3.

  1. Paucity of time-
    I started to prepare GS 3 in last, so I didn’t have enough time to prepare well for this paper.
  2. Giving less focus on current affairs-
    As you can notice, there were questions based on current affairs like WHO Air quality guidelines, COP 26 outcomes, etc., I couldn’t address these questions well due to lack of current affairs preparation (especially last 2 months of mains)

Prepare Static syllabus linked with current affairs. Also focus on PYQs.

Best wishes😊

Essay strategy for UPSC Civil Services Exam by Akshay Mahadik UPSC Topper


My score- 138

My approach to Essay –

  1. Selection of topic-(10 min)
    I used to choose those topics of which I had enough content to write/ I could comprehend the topic properly.
    a) Your perception of me is reflection of you; my reflection of you is awareness of me.
    b)Hand that rocks the cradle rules the World.
    These were the two essays I wrote in Mains 2021.
  2. Brainstorming-
    For first 5 min., Understand the theme of the topic.
    Then focus on each keyword. Make a rough outline of your essay in the rough work section. I did it for 20 min in each essay.

a) Section A essay-
I wrote that essay covering various levels such as individual/family/society/nation/international,etc.

b) Section B essay-
I wrote that essay covering various sectors such as social/economical/political/international /Historical,etc.

I started both of my essays with anecdotes.(I had prepared them beforehand)

  1. Essay writing-
    Following are the points I keep in mind-
    a) Theme of the essay
    b) Flow of the essay(paragraphs should be interlinked)
    c) Quotes should not be forced.
    d) Diversify the essay.
    e) Examples/Case studies

Essay Test series-
I could write only one mock essay before mains. You should write essay only after covering other GS and optional paper syllabus. It will help you to add content for essay.

In my opinion, There is a lot of subjectivity in essay paper. Even if I prepare more and write better essay next year, there are chances that I may score less than what I have scored now. I have given my insights on essay paper. Your opinion may differ.

Best wishes 😊

Answer Writing Tips by Akshay Mahadik UPSC Topper

Answer Writing Tips by Akshay Mahadik UPSC Topper
Answer Writing Tips by Akshay Mahadik UPSC Topper

I had mentioned about examples/case studies for essay/ethics. Many of you had asked for sample examples. 👆

LBSNAA Mail to Akshay Mahadik UPSC Topper

LBSNAA Mail to Akshay Mahadik UPSC Topper
LBSNAA Mail to Akshay Mahadik UPSC Topper