- Application of ICT in Govt functioning to create “SMART” (Simple, Moral, A/C, Responsive & Transparent) Governance
- Corollary of Digital Rev & 4th I.R
Types of e-Gov
- G2G—
- KHAJANE (Kar)—For Digitalization of land record
- PFMS—To est an efficient fund flow system
- E–Samikhsa— For tracking progress on projects & policy initiatives
- G2B— SWIFT (CBEC), GSTN, e-procurement, MCA 21— to provide e-services to Companies registered under C.A
- G2C Initiatives–Bhoomi Project (Kar), Gyandoot (MP), Lokvani (UP), MyGov, Digilocker, e-NAM
Objectives / Benefits of e-Gov
- Goals of e-Governance (2nd ARC)—
- ↑ QoS delivery
- Empowering people through information
- ↑ efficiency within Govts
- ↑ interface with business & industry
- G.G—>C.C Adm + Speedy Gov—> ↓ corruption & Red tapism
- DBT— ES 2015—DBT ↓ corruption
- ↑ T/P, A/C + Brings state close to citizens—MyGov
- Expanded reach of Governance
- ↓ “Information Asymmetry” b/w citizens & Govt–> Brings Govt much closer to Citizens.
Importance of e-Gov in Digitisation era
- Transforming lives of citizens— Ease of services—> “Ease of living”—
- e-learning—> SWAYAM, DIKSHA
- e-Healthcare—> eSanjeevani—Telemedicine Service Platform, e-Hospital Reg
- Skill dev–> e-Talim
- Financial Inclusion—> M-Banking, Micro-ATM prog, JAM
- e-Seva (Andhra)—> All services delivered online by connecting citizens to respective Depts
- e-Mitra (Raj)— Integrated Citizen Services Center—Bill Payment, Payment of taxes etc
- Spandana (Andhra)—> ↑ Access to police stations for women
- e-Courts—↑ Access to judicial services
- Real Time Governance—PRAGATI—Started a culture of Pro-Active Gov & Timely Implementation
- Economic—
- iFRIENDS (Kerela)— Single Window for ease of tax pay
- EoDB—e-tender, e-procurement, MCA-21
- Agriculture—e-NAM
- ‘Tranparent Taxation– Honouring the honest”– Faceless assessment & Faceless appeal
- Participative Democracy—myGOV—citizens give suggestions to Govt
- Help in achieving SDGs—
- SDG 6– By SMART Meters, Soil sensers
- SDG 7– By SMART Grids, SMART Appliances
- SDG 11– SMART City, Big data analytics
- SDG 12–SMART Villages
- SDG 13– Digital solutions to climate change
Govt’s Efforts
- NeGP—To ↑ accessibility of Govt services through CSCs
- e-Kranti (NeGP 2.0)—To “Transform e-Gov for Transforming Governance”.
- Language localisation
- Govt process re-engineering
- Integration & interoperable of services
- Digital India—To create “Digitally empowered society & Knowledge economy”
- For promoting digital literacy—
- NDLM—Atleast 1 person/ household with crucial digital literacy skills by 2020
- PMGDISHA—6 cr households digitally literate in rural areas
- Vittiya Sakshartha Abhiyan (VISAKA)— For e-financial literacy
- Measure to address Digital divide—
- ↑ Accessibility & Affordability—Bharatnet (NoFN) , PM-WANI
- Behavioral economics— Nudge theory, Awareness—Discounts on cashless transactions.
- National Conference on e-Gov- Adopted Mumbai Declaration (2020), Shillong Declaration (2019)
- National e-Governance Awards 2020– Antyodaya Saral portal (HR)— for Excellence in faceless, paperless, cashless service delivery.
Challenges to e-Gov
- Social hurdles–
- Digital Divide— Rich-poor, male-female, urban-rural—Makes e-gov elusive rather than inclusive— Internet Trends 2017 report— only 27% India’s pop uses internet.
- Language Barrier + Low Digital literacy
- Perception of risk / Lack of Trust + Resistance to Change
- Digital Quality of Life Index 2020—57/85 in terms of Internet quality
- Economic issues–
- Digital Infra deficit—↓ electricity, broadband connectivity
- Technical issues—
- Privacy & Security—Symentec report— India is 3rd most vulnerable to cyber threats.
- Identity mismatch & DoS to beneficiaries. Ex— Denying ration due to fingerprints mismatch.
- Inter-operability issues
Critical Perspective
- Story of e-Gov has been of Quantity rather than quality.
- They r seen more as computerisation, office automation & inventory Mgt rather than as a means of G.G-governance
Way Forward
- 2nd ARC—Building a Congenial Env is sine qua non for successful implementation of e-Gov— This should be achieved by—
- “KISS” model (keep it small & simple)
- Capacity Building & Creating Awareness— Create A network of training inst in states
- Dev a national e-Gov ‘enterprise architecture’
- Dev a critical information infra assets protection strategy.
- Need for a Legal Framework for e-Gov
- ↑ Digital infra, literacy, Plug D.D—Invest in HRs
- Privacy protection & Security protocol
- Build a cadre of Intermediaries for last mile Gov (Andhra—Ward secretariat prog for delivering Govt services at doorstep).
- It has a promising future of providing Faster, smarter & more pro-active Govt, but ….. needs to be addressed to make it more inclusive & participative
- Imp for “Ease of Gov” & ”Ease of living”, which are imperitive for ‘New India’.
According to the World Bank, while digital technologies have spread rapidly in much of the world, resulting digital dividends have lagged behind.
Digital dividends
- Growth, jobs & services, EoDB, knowledge economy
- e-Gov–> ↓ Cost of transactions for firms, individuals & public sector.
- ↑ inclusion in Service delivery– Digital empowerment of masses
- Digital Divide, Low digital literacy–> ↓ Inequities in society–> As more capable have received most of the benefits from Digital revolution.
- Democratisation of Digital space– Making internet universally accessible & affordable