Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper Notes, Strategy, Marksheet

Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper
Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper
Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper Marksheet
Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper Marksheet | Geography Optional – 291 (2021)
Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper Marksheet | Geography - 260 (2020)
Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper Marksheet | Geography – 260 (2020)
Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper Marksheet | Geography - 178 (2019)
Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper Marksheet | Geography – 178 (2019)
Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper Marksheet | Geography - 276 ( 2018)
Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper Marksheet | Geography – 276 ( 2018)

Geography as an optional can be the game changer if studied smartly.
It can make or break your dream as is visible through my marksheet (2019😰).
So don’t do GYAN ARJAN in Geography rather be SMART.

I will share my strategies and notes on this channel to smoothen your Geography journey. Believe me the journey will be exciting and rewarding.

Development and Positioning of different parts and features of Himalayan and Pre-Himalyan Region.
Development and Positioning of different parts and features of Himalayan and Pre-Himalyan Region.

Karmveer Keshav UPSC Booklist

A brief history of modern India (Spectrum)Get Book
Indian Art and Culture by Nitin SinghaniaGet Book
Certificate Physical & Human Geography by GC LeongGet Book
AtlasGet Book
Indian Polity by LaxmikanthGet Book
Indian EconomyGet Book
Shankar IAS EnvironmentGet Book
Internal Security and Disaster Management by AshokGet Book

Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper Marks in Test Series

GS2 Test Copy -2018 Test Series
I scored 117 in GS2 in 2018 ( One of the highest of that year ).
This year (2021) too I scored decent marks in GS2 i.e. 114 ( But didn’t write any test paper for GS)

Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper Geography Notes

From today I will be starting my initiative…. COMPLETE Geography Optional in 99 Pages😊

I will share ONE page every alternate day because the material will be compact and condensed hence will require ONE complete day for CONSOLIDATION.

The pages are part of my Raw Notes, Synopsis and Short Notes so few terms may appear less comprehendible to some of you, in that case let me know if we should have a separate discussion platform ( Telegram Group ) or not. I will be putting a poll for that in the channel in coming days to assess whether we need to have a separate telegram group or not.

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Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper Notes [ Page 1 ]

Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper Notes

#Page_1#Perspectives_HGConcept of ParadigmKuhn’s ParadigmHistory of Development of Geography as a Subject.#make_geography_great_again

Concept of Paradigm
Kuhn’s Paradigm
History of Development of Geography as a Subject.

Symbols used :

B = Behaviouralism
H = Humanism
W = Welfare
R = Radicalism
QR = Quantitative Revolution
SRM = Social Relevance Movement

Mnemonics :

NanDu MaMu ( Kuhn’s Paradigm )

Nan – Non Paradigmatic
Du – Dual Paradigmatic
Ma – Mono Paradigmatic
Mu – Multi Paradigmatic

Classic ViKrant = Classical Phase ( Veranius and Kant)

PM Bolt Fitter = Pre Modern ( Humboldt & Ritter )

Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper Notes [ Page 2 ]

Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper Notes

Coverage :
Locational Factors of Industries :

  1. Iron and Steel
    2.Jute Textile
  2. Sugar Industry (Changing pattern is focused ) push and pull factors can be used as locational factors.
    4.Aluminium Industry

N.B. :
1.Basic knowledge of Weber’s theory is needed

  1. Need to internalise different examples of industries name, raw material, market names and power sources.
  2. Extensive use of Diagrams ( Locational Triangles ) is needed.
  3. Micro mapping ( regions showing raw materials, power sources, market ) need to be on tip. ( Whole map of India is not to be drawn only specific region should be drawn)
  4. Recent trends are charm of these type of questions so give more attention on those examples e.g. Mini steel plants, sugar industry in south india, newer technologies in aluminium plants etc.
  5. Recent trends in industries also make one of the leg of ‘Industrial Evolution’ so focus on them and keep on enriching with current developments.

Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper Notes [ Page 3 ]

Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper Notes

Coverage :
Locational Factors of Industries :

  1. Pharmaceuticals & Western India
    2.Automobile Industries

Region Specific Locational Factors:
1.Malwa as an agro-industrial region
2.Kolkata- Hughli Industrial Region

Concepts and Evolution in India :
1.Industrial Houses and Complexes – History and Evolution in India

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Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper Geography Optional Strategy

N.B. :
1.Basic knowledge of Weber’s theory is needed

  1. Need to internalise different examples of industries name, raw material, market names and power sources.
  2. Extensive use of Diagrams ( Locational Triangles ) is needed.
  3. Micro mapping ( regions showing raw materials, power sources, market ) need to be on tip. ( Whole map of India is not to be drawn only specific region should be drawn)
  4. Recent trends are charm of these type of questions so give more attention on those examples e.g. NEW AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRIAL REGIONS
  5. Focus on micro diagrams eg. Venn’s Diagram to show agglomeration ( These add value to your answers)
  6. India’s Industrial Policy in depth coverage is needed, so do enrichment work at your own or link from GS portions.
  7. Problem Regions and Industrial Development as a cure eg. Malwa (Agro), Hilly (Pharma), Desert (Solar&Wind) etc. should always be linked.
  8. Relevant theories eg. Growth pole, trickle down, backwash, shadow effect etc must be linked in industrial development concept.
  9. Name of specific industries their location and their specific challenges and patterns are need to be known.

Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper Notes [ Page 4 ]

Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper Notes

Coverage :

Remainder of Industries :

  1. Industrial Regions of India
    2.Tourism as an Industry in NER

Transport Geography :

  1. Basic Concepts and Terminologies of TG
    2.Road v/s Rail debate
    3.Transport and Regional Development

Linkages of theories in TG :

  1. Hagerstrand’s model
  2. Rostow’s stage model

Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper Geography Optional Strategy

N.B. :
1.Basic knowledge of Hagerstrand’s and Rostow’s stage model is needed

  1. Need to internalise different terminologies related to TG
  2. Extensive use of Diagrams and graphs are needed in TG eg.
    Road v/s Rail debate, fuel consumption, efficiency etc.
  3. Micro mapping ( of important industrial Regions and important transport corridors+terminals ) need to be on tip. ( Whole map of India is not to be drawn only specific region should be drawn)
  4. Recent trends are charm of these type of questions so give more attention on those examples e.g. NEW TRANSPORT MODES eg. MRTS,BRTS, mono rail, hyper loop, cable cars etc.
  5. Focus on micro diagrams eg. Influence zone and shadow zones in TG ( These add value to your answers)
  6. India’s Transportation Policy eg. FAME, smart and intelligent transport system etc. in depth coverage is needed, so do enrichment work at your own or link from GS portions.
  7. Relevant theories&models eg. Hagerstrand’s model, Rostow’s stage model, transport as development arteries model etc must be linked in TG concept.
  8. Name of specific transport corridors eg. DMIC, DFCs, coastal corridors, specialised logistics corridors etc , their locations and their specific challenges need to be known.
  9. Always link Transportation with development, industries, planning, employement and growth in any region eg. NCERT class 12th mentions transport lines as arteries of any region… arteries means arteries of development.
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The Best Click of my LIFE❤️The life CHANGING🔥 moment of my life (Monday 22nd May 2017)… when I decided to quit my JOB (L&T) and move into full time preparation for CIVILS🤘#Dmore_Ustretch_Dbetter_Uget

Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper Marks

L&T ~ 2016 (Campus Selection)🤔
IFoS ~ 2019 ( AIR 48 )😀
SDM ~ 2018 ( UPPCS Rank 5 )🤘
IAS ~ 2021 ( AIR 170)🔥

So, don’t stop stretching until you get the BEST🔥

Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper Notes [ Page 5 ]

Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper Notes
Coverage :
Transport Geography :
Basic Concepts and Terminologies of TG
Railway as Unifier of Economy
2.Role of road transport in Regional Development (RD)
3.Air Transport & RD
Ports & RD+Foreign Trade
5.Rural Mkt and regional trade
6.Role of ICT in balanced RD
Linkages of theories in TG :
Hagerstrand’s model
Rostow’s stage model

Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper Geography Optional Strategy

N.B. :
1.Basic knowledge of Hagerstrand’s and Rostow’s stage model is needed

  1. Need to internalise different terminologies related to TG
  2. Extensive use of Diagrams and graphs are needed in TG eg.
    linking of Transport with RD(Regional Development) can be done with the help of Haggerstand’s Diffusion graph.
  3. Pipeline as a mode of transportation is to be done with the help of internet (Focus on TERMINAL type of Development linked with this mode of transportation)
  4. Link TG with Industrial agglomeration and backward area development idea eg. Petrochemical complexes and Iron&Steel hubs at Pipeline terminals and DFCs terminals and Udaan Scheme for RD through air connectivity leading to rise in tourist footfalls.

Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper Notes [ Page 6 ]

Karmveer Keshav UPSC Topper Notes
Coverage :
Climate Forcings
2.Types of Temp Inversions
Account of Atm Pressure Distribution
4.Jan & July Isobars
Temperature Inversion is the favorite topic of UPSC so study it as deeply as possible. Link different phenomena caused by temperature Inversion eg. Rise in pollution level in Delhi during winter, formation of HEAT DOME, why people don’t reside at the bottom of valleys etc.
2.Practice different Isobaric maps of India and World to clearly explain various climatic phenomena linked with atmospheric pressure variations eg. Reversal of monsoon, formation of Tibetan Low, Shifting of Southern arm of STWJS north of Tibetan Plateau etc.
3.Read about heat budget (HB)and reasons leading to changes in it in detail, most important is the different impacts of disturbed heat budget.
4.Terms like Insolation, Residence Time,Albedo,Terristrial Radiations, etc. must be on finger tips and link them with Climate Change using HB concept.