Some facts —
- India is among the higher number of maternal deaths in the world
- Maternal Deaths — UNICEF and World Bank — >45,000/year | one maternal death in every 12 mins
- Almost 50% of the pregnancies in India are unintended
- In India about 15 million abortions annually — this is 33% of total pregnancies
- About 81% women relied on medical termination rather than using contraceptives
- In rural areas, people think that sterilisation is the ONLY way to avoid pregnancy — massive unawareness about reversible methods like IUD, contractive devices
Abortion Rights
- Only 22% of the abortions are done through registered public or private health facilities. Rest are done clandestinely.
- Why unsafe Abortions?
- Lack of access to clinics
- Lack of affordability due to less public clinics
- Stigma and societal attitude attached
- Apathy of the doctors/staff, especially towards young girls — they unnecessarily force the girl to get the consent of parents or husband, despite no such requirements by the law.
- Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 — provides for termination only upto 20 weeks — if this limit is exceeded then the woman has to approach a medical board and courts to seek permission, which is an extremely excruciating process.
- An amendment to the Act is being proposed — increased the upper limit to 24 weeks — many medical science experts have argued that many abnormalities are observed after the 21st week
- Aimed to increase the coverage of save abortion services to maximum number of women.
- Amendment to extend the cover unmarried girls also (as recommended by many women groups).
- This Act is all the more important as women are not much aware of contraceptive devices — ES 2017 said that more than 50% pregnancies in India are unplanned and unintended.
- NFHS-4 told us that only 53% women have used any kind of contraceptive ever. Thus safe abortion is needed.
Way Forward
- Awareness among the young people and society to change the attitude.
- Realisation of the rights of women over her body.
- Reproductive rights
- Sex Education at the school level from the start. Remove the stigma and taboo.
- Civil society, parents and society all have to realise their own role and make girls more empowered from the start.
- Increase the density of affordable registered clinics and provide better training to the doctors/staff.
- Strict actions against the bogus clinics.