Vaibhav Nitin Kajale UPSC Notes, Marksheet, Biography

Vaibhav Nitin Kajale UPSC Topper
Vaibhav Nitin Kajale

Vaibhav Nitin Kajale Biography

Hello all my friends and aspirants.

I am Vaibhav Nitin Kajale,AIR 325 UPSC CSE 2021 exam.

I have started this post to help you in your UPSC journey and get Moksha in 1/2 attempts😊

Brief Intro:BTech Computer Engineering,PuneICLS UPSC CSE 2017 Batch.Currently posted at Mumbai.5 UPSC interviews since then in training and service.Also, NDA AIR 67 and CAPF 57.

Prelims Preparation Strategy by Vaibhav Nitin Kajale UPSC Topper

Overall broad framework of activities and utility of this channel will be:
1) Prelims,Mains and Interview support,strategy and guidance.
2) I will share all my notes- handwritten,other toppers notes and class notes and how to selectively use them.
3)I will also,checkΒ  Mains answers and essay of serious candidates.
4) Anthropology strategy, resources,notes and answer checking.
5)Special session and strategy for working candidates and people who are Already in service or training.
6)Most important emotional and moral support and personal queries,again for serious candidates only.

Vaibhav Nitin Kajale UPSC Booklist

A brief history of modern India (Spectrum)Get Book
Indian Art and Culture by Nitin SinghaniaGet Book
Certificate Physical & Human Geography by GC LeongGet Book
AtlasGet Book
Indian Polity by LaxmikanthGet Book
Indian EconomyGet Book
Shankar IAS EnvironmentGet Book
Internal Security and Disaster Management by AshokGet Book
Vaibhav Nitin Kajale UPSC CSE BOOKLIST

Vaibhav Nitin Kajale Marksheet

Vaibhav Nitin Kajale Marksheet
Vaibhav Nitin Kajale marksheet

Do’s and Don’ts for UPSC Prelims by Vaibhav Nitin Kajale UPSC Topper

Do’s and Don’ts for upcoming Prelims of 5th June:
1) Stick to your own sources and do rapid revision and Don’t go for anything new even if Upsc chairman suggests any material.
2) Do reverse planning now,like what you will study in morning just before exam and in afternoon break for whom CSAT is an issue.One day before and likewise.
3) In last 2-3 days just revise high probability topics and memory based ones.
4) On saturday do read Laxmikanth without fail as it is very scoring and just focus on English of the question and options.Upsc is twisting simple things and don’t overthink in these questions.2-3 hours only.
5) Half hour for India physical NCERT and GC leong maps and that climate cartogram only.
6) 1 hour for Shankar last pages tables,conventions,National parks,WS,Wetlands,Endangered species,Environmental bodies,GHG,Ozone depletion gases,etc
7) Simultaneously keep Atlas handy and keep revising for environment,geography,current affairs,etc.Before sleeping do 10 min rapid reading of World physical and political map as whole which help you in 8 to 10 questions directly and indirectly.And again before entering the exam hall do same exercise.
8) History don’t take load now, just revise spectrum summary at end of each chapter and tables given at last,NCERT just skim the images and Boxes given and same for Art and Culture NCERT.Here pictorial memory helps to atleast eliminate options.Also,2 page index of old NCERT can refresh your memory and help remember the chronology of ancient,medieval and modern.New Themes NCERT don’t have detailed Index but Old has which will help you to revise in 30 min whole history.So total 2 to 3 hours as per your comfort.

9) Half hour for economy( I read Sriram) as it is mostly concept based and see BEPS,TRIPS,WB,IMF,INFLATION,FD,RD,ERD,FRBM,etc Like concepts and 15 min for Budget and Survey summary only.
10) Science and Technology no separate study ,it will be covered in Current affairs.
11) 2 hours Rapid revision of your current affairs material ( I read Vision) again just see Index and go for any specific if you don’t recall and see maps given in them.
12) Index pages of all – Govt. Schemes Ministry wise, World report and Indices, International Organizations.
13) Finish this all in 12 hours on Saturday as per you speed and wrap up things by 7 or 8 pm.Only map before sleeping.
14) Keep all things ready 3 to4 black ball point pen,2 copies of hall ticket,Covid stuff, check Your center on Map and schedule your transport before hand.Keep 2 water bottles,Ors,chocolates,fruits and don’t overeat else your supercomputer will get less oxygen and blood πŸ˜€

Maximum possible questions to solve in UPSC Prelims by Vaibhav Nitin Kajale

And please solve maximum possible questions 90 to 95 atleast to clear prelims with good margin so you can start mains preparation soon.( I solve all 100 questions everytime and it has worked for me and my friends who were stuck in nervous nineties) You should not regret afterwards that if I would have attempted these 2 3 questions I would…..
Also, do 2 rounds atleast ,1 st round in 70 to 80 min and 2 nd round after that.Reading all 100 questions will give you confidence and build your linkages and there are 2 to 3 questions everytime which are interlinked will help to eliminate options.

Also,do circle the answers immediately like after solving 1 page which contains 5 to 6 questions and then go forward and also,it relaxes mind for few seconds.Dont encircle at last because your brain is exhausted and 1 single wrong circle can change whole series of circles ahead.

Can I sleep 4 hours during Civil Services Exam Preparation?


Please follow your own strategy now as very less time is remaining, just read this while having food or tea.

Can you score 150+ in UPSC CSE PRELIMS – Vaibhav Nitin Kajale

Just talk to yourself and say that you have worked very hard,I will follow my strategy and not repeat mistakes done in mocks and I will score minimum 150 and I will do great.

Best of luck and I know you all will do great and we will continue after your prelims.

1 very important thing – please do attempt min 65 to 70 Csat questions irrespective of your IIT,IIM backgrounI have seen many people not clearing prelims inspite of good score in GS due to overconfidence.

Do reverse engineering in Quant questions if you face difficulty with the given options and attempt all comprehension in 1 hour and then remaining time Quant and logical questions.The level of difficulty is basic and don’t go any formula and all ,just do basic math and use common sense.

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Don’t get lazy in 2nd half and think of 1st paper.Attempt sincerely as you have no option and you can’t leave the hall before timeπŸ˜„.So attempt max and enjoy it.

Is Prelims Phobia natural to get?

I got some msgs in last 2 days about prelims phobia.It is natural to get so.But,as I mentioned earlier just command your brain that you have studied well and you will excel smoothly. No one can complete the syllabus 100% or say I am fully prepared.

Finish your studis by evening and chill,have dinner early and have sleep of 8 hours,talk to your parents and take blessings from them and God.Be calm and confident as all 100 answers are in front of you and no one can stop you from clearing prelims except you.

Take 3-4 days break ,go home and enjoy the hard work you did in last 2-3 months.Next week onwards we will start mains preparation.

Best wishes for the prelims and whole universe is with you to see you reach your goal.

Inshallah Fateh hamari hogi.Mazal tov.Rab Rakha.Har Har Mahadev.

UPSC Prelims 2022 paper analysis by Vaibhav Nitin Kajale Topper

You all have studied hard, do respect your efforts and trust yourself.Paper was tough comparatively but it was for all,90 plus score is safe to start mains preparation.

But do take 3 – 4 days rest ,enjoy your 1st victory and then come back with full force.

People on border or so ,need not worry.Many cases are there where class answerkey wise scores were low but they cleared and wasted 3 4 weeks in worrying.You have to study irrespective of the result,you have no option 😊

All folks enjoy this week and start consolidating your notes,resources, optional and mains material in time being to refresh, bcz now real battle begins.

Many people came to my home,office and social media asking my child is in school,college ,how to become IAS.I said its too late now, you should have started from kindergartenπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.Please don’t make this exam so hyped,it’s like any other exam and you just need to know the technique and hacks and some smart study and sincere efforts for which this channel is.I won’t teach you any stuff,but just guide you how to score and sail through it.

Mains Preparation Strategy by Vaibhav Nitin Kajale UPSC Topper

So to start, Mains 2022 people :
1) Take copy of actual UPSC Mains syllabus from notification, as some topics may be missing from classes syllabus copy.You all must have by hearted by this time or still can.
2) All 4 GS paper syllabus is the base of answer writing and essay.Same goes for your optional.
3) These broad headings of syllabus will help you to cover multiple dimensions in your answers and Upsc needs intra and inter linkages of all answers.Dont restrict your answer to just that paper,like in Gs 3 paper 70% answer should focus on that topic but remaining should have inter linkages of other papers to make your answer holistic.
4) Find out the topics you may have not covered till now like society, security, governance,IR,etc and start work on that.
5) Don’t think of prelims and it’s cutoff ,start preparing your optional, ethics and essay and the stuff remaining from Mains syllabus.

6) Prepare your own schedule and devote half time to optional, 15% each to essay and ethics and remaining to GS topics not done till now.
7) Studying essay and ethics daily is the major hack to get good score and it then comes naturally in exam.Here, you can work upon good case studies, anecdotes, examples from current affairs,summaries of good books, blogs like
Annual Reports of various ministries,etc
But ,don’t spend more than 10 to 15 min daily and select such facts,data,examples which will help you in GS,ethics,essay and optional and even interview and you can recall in exam.It should be simple and be noted down in your book in 2 or 3 lines only.

This will also,freshen up your mind and give your answer some uniqueness.
I know only basic content ,but I play with such things in all my answers which makes the examiner think that this guy is a scholar and has studied so deepπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.I will cover answer writing in seperate post.

8) Also,do check this year’s Padma Awards,they are great case studies for mains and also,Mann ki Baat, any acronym given by our Hon’ble PM or government which are really fancy and good to mention like you can draw some diagram and and give those dimensions in answers.
Eg : SAMADHAN,SMART Policing,B2B,etc.
9) Now start practicing Answer writing for 2-3 questions daily like from Insights,Iasbab,etx where they provide model answers,too.Atleast brainstorm the points and prepare structures,think for which case studies,diagrams,graphs, flowchart,etc I will include in my answer.
10) Same goes for ethics ,practice 1 or 2 theory questions and link it with various ethics syllabus points and examples and also,think of any personal life incident you can relate and use that in answer,which gives very good score.Ethics is strong area and I used lot of examples in my answer like personal,National,global,administration,etc and I have got all ways more than 100-110 plus range.
11) Same goes for Ethics Case study,do solve previous year papers and lot many case studies material are available like lukman,vision,gs score,etc.Prepare templates for case studies as you should have variety for all 6 case studies like stakeholders approach, ethical issues,rights based,etc Brainstorming for it is must to bring practical and innovative way forwards to score more.
12) Essay : 1 essay you should write every week and discuss and peer checking.I will also check your essays and have separate session for GS and philosophical topics.And 2 essay topics just Brainstorming like structure, dimensions, case studies,personal life events, etc.Insights has weekly essays and model essay discussions.Please Brainstorm for all essay topics they have for last 1 year and most important UPSC old papers,because major themes do repeat like social media,constitution,etc.And old topics will give you good quotes to use in other places.Do reverse engineering in all papers like this including optional.

So much of gyan in morning.Keep studying as in a week or 2 ,results will come and this 2 weeks preparation will give you great edge over others who are discussing cut offs and procrastinating.

Also,aspirants writing this mains join any test series if you want,but just don’t go for big name,because the teacher should be accessible to you for your doubts and personal mentoring.As in many big classes quality of feedback or evaluation varies as many aspirants only check them.This is more important for optional atleast.Many times we get general comments on answers even if we have written that point in our answer 😊

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This is the feedback given by many of my friends who are selected.Also,I didn’t join any test series even I had free access to all due to earlier selection,due to bureaucratic inertia πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. NO but I did brainstorming on PYQ papers of UPSC mains which helped me.Not practicing Answer writing is sure shot recipe for next attempt.

Do see PYQ mains papers,you can see the main themes and trends and many of them do get repeat like in world history, society, governance, food processing,SnT,ethics case studies,etc

Booklist for UPSC CSE 2023 by Vaibhav Nitin Kajale UPSC Topper

For my 2023 friends, Prelims Booklist
1) Geography

  • 11,12 th NCERT books
  • G C leong for international climates,landforms,maps,etc not covered in NCERT.
  • Atlas most important of all for all the stages of the exam.
  • Wall Mount India and world map in your room.

2) Environment

  • Shankar Ias book
  • 12th Science NCERT last chapters

-12th NCERT for basics

-Sriram Notes

  • Mrunal Videos/PPT/Pdf
    -Survey/Budget Summary

-All 3 Old Ncert books of 11 ,12 th to prepare base and chronological foundation
-Spectrum for Modern History
-Themes New Ncert books of 11,12th

  • Art n Culture 11th New Ncert and Nitin singhania handwritten notes,book is very bulky( as per your comfort)

6) Science

  • No need, but if needed basic Ncerts,will be covered in Current affairs

7)Current Affairs

  • Monthly Vision Ias or any standard Monthly magazine you like.
    Please follow Monthly magazine, don’t wait for PT 365 as it comes at the end and it becomes artificial and you won’t internalize it and won’t help in Mains.Finish Monthly magazines so you can relate your studies with and also,helps in optional.

8) PYQ papers must,many questions and themes do repeat in static parts,do thorough research on questions and all 4 options.

9) Any class material for Indices,Govt Schemes, international organizations,etc(I used Shankar Ias)

DON’T prepare separately for prelims mains in silos.These same resources are there for mains.I will post separate post still for mains.But these books are your base and study it holistically.Dont prepare notes for these books, use Book Index to prepare micro notes and you should revise them multiple times before prelims.

Do contact if you have any doubts and don’t run behind resources and materials, as new beginners have issue of FOMO 😊. STUDY LESS BUT DO QUALITY STUDY,RELATE IT TO THINGS IN YOUR SURROUNDING, DO ORGANIC AND ACTIVE LEARNING 😊

Highest Marks analysis in UPSC Civil Services Mains Exam 2021

#HighestPeaks till Now ( βœ… – verified)

1)ESSAY-  152 (AIR 23) βœ…

2) GS overall – 494 (AIR 1) βœ…

2.1) GS 1- 120 (AIR 12) βœ…

2.2) GS 2- 134 (AIR 120 ) βœ…

2.3) GS 3-  109 Bhargav Narayan (not recommended) + 108 (AIR 1) βœ…

2.4) GS 4- 139 (AIR 1) βœ…

3)OPTIONAL PAPERS- Anything above 270- very good score. Extremely few got above 300.


3.1)MATHEMATICS – 335 (AIR 183) βœ…

3.2)ΰ€Ήΰ€Ώΰ€‚ΰ€¦ΰ₯€ ΰ€Έΰ€Ύΰ€Ήΰ€Ώΰ€€ΰ₯ΰ€― –  284 (AIR 18) βœ…

3.3)Psychology – 291 (AIR 143) βœ…


3.5)PHYSICS       – 312 (AIR 98) βœ…

3.6)GEOGRAPHY – 306 (AIR 12) βœ…

3.7)PUBAD –   288 ( AIR 336) βœ…

3.8)Anthropology –  307- Rajat Sambyal(not recommended) + 306 (AIR-70)


3.11)HISTORY.  – 306 (AIR 1) βœ…


3.13)Chemistry.   – 296 (AIR 49) βœ…

3.14)SOCIOLOGY.  – 308 (not recommended person) + 304 – Dongari Laxman (Not recommended) + 286 (AIR 150)

3.15)PSIR – 314 (AIR 5)  βœ… 

3.16)Economics.   – 293 ( AIR 8) βœ…

3.17)Philosophy   –

3.18)Telugu Literature- 258 (jeevan reddy Not recommended)

3.19) Geology – 293 ( AIR 376) βœ…

4)INTERVIEW HIGHEST- 206 ( AIR 77 + AIR 100 ) βœ…


We Will keep editing it πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†

Just tag admins with whatever facts you know , if possible with AIR / Marksheet proof

UPSC CSE Mains Exam Booklist by Vaibhav Nitin Kajale UPSC Topper

Mains Resource list:

GS 1:

1) History : 11,12th NCERT and Themes Ncert, 11th Art n Culture and Nitin singhania handwritten notes,Spectrum.

World History and Post independence 12th NCERT. These are enough and don’t invest much time for bulky class notes for these topics as output ratio is very less and topics are huge.You should know the broad timeline and major events like worldwars,French American revolution,African and South East and west Asia, etc.Youtube videos on these topics can help to remember them like movie or a story.

Read from analytical perspective and look for diagrams like temple architecture, Maps,etc in NCERTs

PYQ analysis helps to predict topics in World history, post independence, freedom struggle,etc.Standard introduction and conclusions can be prepared as it is static in nature.
Broad framework should be ready for history as for unknown question, you can atleast cover different dimensions in your answer when you have less content.

2) Society :

  • 11,12th NCERT are sufficient for basic concepts like family,caste system, globalization, women issues, etc.
  • More application based and relate to current affairs and your surrounding.
  • Put more examples, case studies in answer.
  • Broad framework should be ready to include various dimensions in your answers.
    -one can refer Vision Ias Value addition to get idea of various dimensions,but skim through ,no need to read it fully.

I will share my Society notes and keywords to be included in answers to show your depth of social studies πŸ˜‚.

3) Geography

  • 11,12th NCERT and G C leong for remaining topics and World Geography and Maps and diagrams.
  • Mrunal PPT/ Pdf available on his website for reference.
  • Very scoring section,need to put various diagrams,maps,flowcharts, graphs,etc.Link to current affairs,put examples and case studies.
  • Search for simple diagrams on Internet for topics not in Ncert.
  • Give touch of human Geography, disaster management, administration,economic Geography, agriculture,etc in your answers.
  • Practice India and World Map daily ,to be drawn in 20 30 secs.

Key Ingredients : Answer Structure, Dimensions, Syllabus inter linkages,Current examples, case studies, KEYWORDS,facts,report and indices names,Maps, specific Diagrams,Graphs, piecharts,cartograms and your own spontaneous creativity 😁.

I felt this missing in some answers,which some of you have sent to me.Do work on these points,you will score 1/2 to 2 marks more in very answer and get good margin as whole πŸ‘.

Once prelims results are out,we will form group of 15 to 20 serious students appearing for mains and work on these points.My other friends already Iin services and newly selected will aslo help us.

Wishes to students by Vaibhav Nitin Kajale UPSC Topper

Congratulations to all aspirants who cleared prelims.Treat yourself today,you deserve it πŸ‘ πŸ’πŸ’. BUT NEXT 60 70 DAYS ARE MOST CRUCIAL AND WILL DECIDE YOUR RANK,SERVICE, CADRE,etc.Soon we will form a group for focussed mains preparation, as some of you have messaged me yesterday.I will check your answers,essay,anthro and other strategies,materials,etc.

ALSO READ  Bhumi Srivastava (UPSC TOPPER) Biography, UPSC Marksheet, Age, Rank, Optional Subject, Notes

And MOST IMPORTANT, my friends who couldn’t clear,I am with you.I am calling and replying them first.Its just matter of time.Do cry ,scold yourself because world is very brutal and only your loved ones know your efforts and dedication.PLEASE SEE WHAT WENT WRONG ,BE IT GS OR CSAT,do note it down as your memory is still fresh and so we can work on that to clear next year prelims.

All people can give you only sympathy, it is you who have to bounce back hard and work upon to reach your goal.
Also,friends who have given multiple attempts,but could not clear ,please apply for other exams also, and try for some job or higher education as per your convenience.It does not mean that you give up your upsc dream,but some times saturation or mental bloc is created and hampers your innovative thinking.Trying different things will rather help you to bounce back in your upsc journey.

Please feel free to contact me for any help needed, I am always there for you πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’ͺ

MAINS aspirants,Pl send me ur admit card to verify genuine candidates while sending me ur answer copies.1st preference to them and others also,I will try to check asap.

GS 2 resources

1) Indian Polity:

  • Laxmikant
    -Vision Ias Value addition for topics like comparison of constitutions,NGOs,etc

2) Governance

  • Vision Ias Value addition material

3) International Relations

  • Vision Ias monthly magazine

Latest M Puri sir notes are also,helpful to cover missed topics

KEY Ingredients:

  • Articles must
  • SC Judgements
  • Committee Names and their way forwards
  • FR,FD,DPSP, etc to be used wherever applicable
  • Examples/ Case studies
  • SDG goal number in answer or conclusions
    -important Acts/Laws.
  • Report/ Index/ Facts/ International Organizations
    -Govt. SCHEMES MUST in way forward or conclusions
  • Diagrams/Flowcharts/Graphs,etc
  • Keywords
  • Maps in IR important
  • READING NEWSPAPER AND MONTHLY CURRENT MAGAZINE must to link it with syllabus and answers

Don’t wait for Mains 365,it will be very late.Monthly magazine are best to make learning organic, so you can use it in answer writing and test series and link it with other topics of syllabusand need multiple revisions and very less time will remain if u wait for Mains 365.

Prepare examples/Case studies like for NGOS, shg,Sustainable development, governance,e governance, health model, etc that can be used everywhere like GS,ethics,essay,optional.Study less ,apply more,revise more.

Also,do micro notes,write in small handwriting, small page.This has psychological effect as our brain thinks that less stuff to read and Revises faster.Overall very less notes to be done and not for all topics.Overall size should be 1% of all material u read.😊😊Other things you can highlight and skim through to revise.

Wherever I go for program or event, I 1st tell that the civils is only 1 of the way to serve the nation.There are infinite equally or more vibrant ways to serve the society.I could sustain this exhausting journey as I got service in 1st attempt else after 2 attempts I had some different plans.My message to all my friends, keep Plan ‘B’ also ready and work on it side by side with your civils dream.

GS 3 resources

1) Economy

  • Sriram Ias Book
    -Vision Ias Value addition material for topics like Subsidies, Poverty Alleviation and Agricultural,Food processing,land reforms,etc.
  • Summary of Budget and Economic Survey ( Try to go for current and past year,as those themes,keywords,facts,graphs are useful in answers)
  • Summary of NITI Aayog documents (Many themes are directly related to syllabus topics like Infrastructure, agriculture, etc)
  • Current affairs

2) Environment

  • Shankar Ias selectively as per syllabus topics
    -Current affairs

3) Science and technology

  • Current affairs
  • Basic Wikipedia and examples for syllabus topics and PYQ will give idea of topics.You can watch small YouTube videos to understand the new emerging concepts like Supercomputer,Quantum computing, biotechnology,etc.

4) Security and Disaster Management

  • IPS Ashok Kumar book by Tata Mcgraw Hill
  • Current affairs

This paper is more application based and heavily related to Current affairs.

Key Ingredients:

  • Thorough Current affairs of 1 year and skimming of last year Mains 365 to see some major hot topics which can be asked.
  • Keywords very important like Budget, Survey,technical words for Science and technology,etc
  • Facts and figures must
  • Diagrams, Graphs, piecharts etc very important.You can prepare basic Diagrams, flowcharts for topics like food processing, Disaster management, SnT with help of internet.
  • Maps for Internal Security important
  • Examples and case studies for major topics like SHG,Sustainable development, SnT,Infrastructure development models,etc.
  • Indices,reports,organization names
  • Govt Schemes to be used heavily
  • Acts,regulations like for Environment, Biodiversity,etc
  • Standard introduction and conclusions help in this paper.

This paper has high scope of innovation and creativity.You can score very good if you work smartly and present your answers in unique way.

Below are the general suggestions which I felt are needed to get good marks and it will help u all for next year or others who could not join Mains group.

Answer Writing Preparation Strategy by Vaibhav Nitin Kajale UPSC Topper

Mains people are sending me answers and essays,many are doing good but I will tell general suggestions which will help u all

  1. Hit the qn directly, don’t explain background or history of the topic.
  2. Don’t explain any concept in detail,we need to cover more pts and dimensions rather than 1 in detailed fashion.
    3.Pl Use govt schemes everywhere possible in way forward, conclusions,etc.Dont take anti govt stand in ur ans but u can critically analyse.
    4.You r using facts figures properly but give source of info like any organization say WHO,IMF,RBI,CMIE,IPCC ,etc or any report name to give more authenticity.It may not be correct but no one will check whether xyz organization said this fact but it looks good.
    5.Diagrams,India map,world or continent map or cartogram which is the easiest to draw for any part of the world is needed.
    6.Instead of writing plain facts figures shoe it in graph,piechart,histogram format.
    7.More Interlinking of syllabus
  3. Current affairs examples, case studies are needed handsomely.

For essay many of you are explaining dimensions in detail.This won’t fetch much,you need to cover more dimensions with current affairs ,case studies, anecdotes linkages.Qn the topic from various angles and relate with ur life example also.
Most of you are understanding the topic but more diversity is needed.
Your introductions are good but conclusions are average and this last impression in examiner will fetch you good marks.So give some time for preparing standard conclusions also.

For Anthro ans

  • Theory part is good.But linkages to school of thoughts is missing and that shows u r student of anthropology.
  • Case studies, examples and current linkages is needed.

Content wise ur ans are good but u need to represent them in better manner to make examiners work easy which will make ur journey to ur dream service easy😊

Finish of the syllabus asap now
Time for multiple revisions, test series,value addition and micronotes.
Plan in reverse manner now like from the break of 5 days for optional,break between 2 papers what u will read, etc