Anthropology Optional Previous Year Question Papers (Topic-wise)

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(1995-2021) Anthropology Optional Previous Year Question Papers (Topic-wise) Paper 1

Anthropology Optional Previous Year Question Papers (Topic-wise) Paper 1
Anthropology Optional Previous Year Question Papers

PAPER – I Questions (2011-21) copy


Social Cultural Anthropology

Basic Anthropology

1.1 Meaning, scope and development of Anthropology.

  1. Critically examine the role of Anthropology in contemporary India (15) 2014
  2. Define Anthropology. Describe major branches of Anthropology elaborating on any one of its branch (20) 2017

3.The relevance of anthropology (10) 2018

4.Elaborate the scope of anthropology and elucidate its uniqueness in the field of other social sciences. (20) 2021

1.2 Relationships with other disciplines: Social Sciences, Behavioural Sciences, Life Sciences, Medical Sciences, Earth Sciences and Humanities.

  1. How do you situate Anthropology in Social Sciences. (10) 2013
  2. Differentiate between Economics and Economic Anthropology (10) 2013
  3. Difference between Social Anthropology and Sociology (10) 2016

1.3 Main branches of Anthropology, their scope and relevance:

  1. Social- cultural Anthropology.
  2. Biological Anthropology.
  3. Archaeological Anthropology.
  4. Linguistic Anthropology.
  5. Linguistic Anthropology (10) 2013
  6. Major Sub-divisions of Anthropology (10) 2014
  7. Archaeological Anthropology (10) 2015

4.Give an account of field methods used in the study of archaelogical anthropology. (15) 2018

5.The relationship between linguistics and social-cultural anthropology (10) 2019

6.How can synergising the core branches of anthropology reinvigorate the holistic spirit of the discipline? (20) 2020

7.”The bio-cultural approach is the hallmark of biological anthropology”. Explain (10) 2021

Sociology Basics: Society and Culture

2.1 The Nature of Culture: The concept and characteristics of culture and civilization; Ethnocentrism vis cultural Relativism.

  1. Why the concept of Cultural Relativism been so dear to Anthropologists? (20) 2013
  2. Bring out the distinguishing features between culture and civilization (15) 2013
  3. Is culture unique to human beings? Critically examine (15)2014
  4. Cultural Relativism (10) 2016
  5. Discuss the development of concept of culture in Anthropology (20) 2017

6.Cultural Relativism (10) 2019

7.Human rights and Cultural Relativism (10) 2020

2.[1] The Nature of Society: Concept of Society; Society and Culture; Social Institutions; Social groups; and Social stratification.

  1. What are the bases of social stratification? Discuss with examples (20) 2012
  2. Explain the concept of ‘Status’ and ‘Role’ in Anthropology (20) 2012
  3. Define Status and Role. Distinguish between Ascribed Status and Achieved Status. (15) 2014
  4. Society and Culture (10) 2015

5.Discuss Social stratification according to any three major approaches. (20) 2019

6.Discuss Erving Goffman’s concept of total institutions and its relevance in contemporary society. (15)2020

7.Critically evaluate different types of social stratifications with suitable examples. (20) 2021 Institutions

Functions of marriage; Marriage regulations (preferential, prescriptive and proscriptive); Marriage payments (bride wealth and dowry).

  1. Ways of acquiring a spouse in simple societies (12) 2012
  2. Where do you situate ‘live-in relationship’ in the institution of marriage? (15) 2013
  3. Define marriage and describe various types of marriage in human societies (15) 2014
  4. Incest Taboo (10) 2015
  5. Discuss the different forms of preferential marriage with suitable examples from tribal societies in India (15) 2017

6.Ways of acquiring mate in tribal societies. (10)2018

7.Explain the impact of feminist movement on universality of marriage and family structure. (20) 2020

8.How do marriage rules impact the gene pool of populations? (15)2020

9.Marriage regulations and alliance theory (10) 2021

2.4 Family: Definition and universality; Family, household and domestic groups; functions of family; Types of family (from the perspectives of structure, blood relation, marriage, residence and succession); Impact of urbanization, industrialization and feminist movements on family.

  1. Is Family a social institution? (12) 2012
  2. Discuss the impact of feminist movement and urbanization on family. (20) 2013
  3. Define Family and critically examine the universality of family (15) 2015
  4. Discuss the impact of urbanization and feminist movements on family in India (20) 2016

2.5 Kinship: Consanguinity and Affinity; Principles and types of descent (Unilineal, Double, Bilateral, Ambilineal); Forms of descent groups (lineage, clan, phratry, moiety and kindred); Kinship terminology (descriptive and classificatory); Descent, Filiation and Complimentary Filiation; Descent and Alliance.

  1. Describe the types of kinship groups formed on the basis of different principles (20) 2012
  2. Various types of Descent (10) 2013
  3. Double Descent (10) 2014
  4. Lineage and Clan (10) 2016
  5. Describe the cardinal points of Descent and Alliance theories (20) 2016
  6. Bilinealand Bilateral Descent (10) 2017
  7. Elucidate the determinants of Kinship terminologies (15) 2017

8.Kinship Terminology (10) 2018

9.Marriage regulations and alliance theory (10)2021

10.Descent groups (10) 2021

3. Economic organization: Meaning, scope and relevance of economic anthropology; Formalist and Substantivist debate; Principles governing production, distribution and exchange (reciprocity, redistribution and market), in communities, subsisting on hunting and gathering, fishing, swiddening, pastoralism, horticulture, and agriculture; globalization and indigenous economic systems.

  1. Critically examine the debate between Formalists and Substantivists. (30) 2011
  2. Discuss different modes of exchange in simple societies with suitable examples (30) 2011
  3. Discuss the impact of globalization on tribal economy (20) 2013
  4. Horticulture (10) 2015
  5. Critically examine the Formalists’ and Substantivists’ views on the applicability of economic law in the study of primitive societies (20) 2015
  6. Discuss the principles governing production, distribution and exchange in simple societies (20) 2016
  7. With the help of appropriate examples, explain the various forms of exchange system (15) 2017

8.Write the characteristics of hunting and gathering economy. (15) 2018 9.Pastoralism in India (10) 2019

10.Discuss how indigeneous people encounter globalisation. (15) 2019

11.How is the construct of power linked to conspicuous consumption and its impact on distributive justice ? (15) 2020

12.Critically examine the demographic and epidemiological consequences with rise in food production and sedentism. (15)2020

13.Modes of subsistence (10) 2021

4. Political organization and Social Control: Band, tribe, chiefdom, kingdom and state; concepts of power, authority and legitimacy; social control, law and justice in simple societies.

  1. Band and Tribal societies (12) 2012
  2. Discuss the nature of Law and Justice in simple societies citing examples (20) 2014
  3. Differentiate between State and Stateless societies (10) 2014
  4. Discuss different social control mechanism in simple societies (15) 2016
  5. Mention the characteristic features of Band with suitable examples (15) 2017

6.How does customary law function in tribal society? Discuss its different sources (15) 2018 7.How is the construct of power linked to conspicuous consumption and its impact on distributive justice ? (15) 2020

8.How do political organisations of simple societies establish power, authority and legitimacy? (20) 2021

5. Religion: Anthropological approaches to the study of religion (evolutionary, psychological and functional); monotheism and polytheism; sacred and profane; myths and rituals; forms of religion in tribal and peasant societies (animism, animatism, fetishism, naturism and totemism); religion, magic and science distinguished; magico- religious functionaries (priest, shaman, medicine man, sorcerer and witch).

  1. Explain various anthropological approaches to study religion (30) 2011
  2. Distinguish between Religion, Magic and Science (20) 2012
  3. Totemism (10) 2013
  4. How does taboo serve as a means of social control? (15) 2013

5.What is understood by Rites of Passage? Describe the various phases of the ‘Rites of Passage’ and their significance (20) 2014

  1. How do you relate the concepts of ‘Sacred’ and ‘Profane’ in Durkheim’s theory of religion with a focus on the role of totem (15) 2015
  2. Totemism (10) 2016
  3. Critically examine different Anthropological approaches to Religion (15) 2016
  4. Difference between Religion and Magic (10) 2017
  5. Discuss the different traditional forms of religion in tribal societies (20) 2017

11.Difference between science and magic (10) 2018

12.Critically explain the anthropological approaches to religion. (15) 2019

13.Animism and deep ecology (10) 2021

Anthropological Theories

6. Anthropological theories: (a) Classical evolutionism (Tylor, Morgan and Frazer) (b) Historical particularism (Boas); Diffusionism (British, German and American) (c) Functionalism (Malinowski); Structural- functionlism (RadcliffeBrown) (d) Structuralism (L’evi – Strauss and E. Leach) (e) Culture and personality (Benedict, Mead, Linton, Kardiner and Cora – du Bois). (f) Neo – evolutionism (Childe, White, Steward, Sahlins and Service) (g) Cultural materialism (Harris) (h) Symbolic and interpretive theories (Turner, Schneider and Geertz) (i) Cognitive theories (Tyler, Conklin) (j) Post- modernism in anthropology

  1. Cultural Materialism (15) 2011
  2. Critically examine the contributions of Anthropologists in the interpretation of symbols (30) 2011
  3. Post-modernism in Anthropology (12) 2012
  4. In what ways Functionalism is different from Structural Functionalism (20) 2013
  5. Bring out the contribution of Turner and Geertz in symbolic and interpretative theories of

Anthropology (15) 2013

  1. What is functionalism? Discuss the functional approach to understanding of religion (20) 2014
  2. Historical Particularism (10) 2015
  3. How did Morgan explain the evolution of marriage, family and Socio-Political organization, and how did other evolutionist disagree with his explanation (20) 2015
  4. How do diffusionism and evolutionism differ as explanations of cultural change? (15) 2015
  5. Explain the features of ‘Post-Modernism’ in Anthropology (20) 2015
  6. What made Geertz Interpretive Anthropology different from Turner’s Symbolic Anthropology?

What does each of them mean by the terms ‘Symbol’ and Symbolic? (20) 2015

  1. Functionalism (10) 2016
  2. According to Geertz, how does the cock-fight reveal aspects of Balinese Cultures? (15) 2016 14. How do the concept of Binary opposition and exchange figure in Levi Strauss’ structural analysis of kinship? (15) 2016
  3. Basic tenets of structural-functionalism (10) 2017
  4. Explain Ruth Benedict’s patterns of culture (20) 2017
  5. Critically examine the Stewardian view of Neo-evolutionism (15) 2017

18.What do you understand by National Character Study? Illustrate the concept. (15) 2018

19.Gordon Childe’s theory of cultural evolution (10) 2018

20.Cultural Materialism (10) 2019

21.How did Radcliffe Brown and Levi Strauss study kinship in terms of social structure? (15)


22.Examine critically the contributions of Victor Turner and Clifford Geertz in anthropology. (20) 2019

23.Victor Turner & Liminality (10) 2020

24.Discuss various anthropological approaches to study of personality and culture. (20) 2020

25.Historical particularism and Franz Boas (10) 2021

26.Elucidate the concept of “thick description ” of Clifford Geertz with a suitable example. (15)


27.Critically evaluate Lewis Morgan’s classification of family. (15) 2021

28.Explain the structural analysis of kinship as proposed by Levi-strauss

Linguistic Anthropology

7. Culture, language and communication: Nature, origin and characteristics of language; verbal and non-verbal communication; social context of language use.

  1. Explain the difference between emic and etic, and how does the difference derive from the study of language? (10) 2015
  2. Non-verbal communication (10) 2017

3.Critically examine that the structure and content of language are influenced by culture. (15)


4.Sapir-Whorf hypothesis (10) 2020

5.Explain how variations in language usage is related to social inequality. (20) 2020

6.Mention the various branches of linguistic anthropology and discuss language use in social and cultural settings. (15) 2021

Research Methods

8. Research methods in anthropology: (a) Fieldwork tradition in anthropology (b) Distinction between technique, method and methodology (c) Tools of data collection: observation, interview, schedules, questionnaire, Case study, genealogy, life-history, oral history, secondary sources of information, participatory methods. (d) Analysis, interpretation and presentation of data.

  1. Fieldwork Tradition in Anthropology (15) 2011
  2. What are the tools of data collection? Discuss the advantages and limitations of participant observation as a technique of data collection (20) 2012
  3. Discuss the relevance of Case Study method in data collection (20) 2013
  4. Genealogical Method (10) 2014
  5. Fieldwork Tradition in Anthropology (10) 2014
  6. Describe the evolution of Fieldwork in Anthropology (15) 2016
  7. Questionnaire (10) 2017
  8. Elucidate the basic characteristics of Anthropological fieldwork methods (15) 2017

9.Define ethnography and present a brief history of ethnographic studies. (20) 2018

10.How is case study method helpful in understanding a social phenomena? Explain with suitable example. (20) 2018

1[2].Evaluate participant observation in producing anthropological knowledge (15) 2019

1[3].Discuss phenomenology as a research method in anthropological studies. (15) 2019

1[4].Experiential ethnography (10) 2020

1[5].How have interpretation and presentation of data changed from classical to contemporary writings in anthropological texts? (15)2020

1[6][7][8][9][10].Discuss various tools of data collection in conducting anthropological research. (20) 2021

Physical Anthropology


1.4 Human Evolution and emergence of Man:

  1. Biological and Cultural factors in human evolution.
  2. Theories of Organic Evolution (Pre- Darwinian, Darwinian and PostDarwinian).
  3. Synthetic theory of evolution; Brief outline of terms and concepts of evolutionary biology (Doll’s rule, Cope’s rule, Gause’s rule, parallelism, convergence, adaptive radiation, and mosaic evolution).

10.Implications of mutation in evolution. (10) 2019

1[11].Elucidate how Darwin and post-Darwin theories of evolution resulted in the development of synthetic theory of evolution. (15) 2020

12.Explain the genetic mechanisms of micro and macro evolution. (15) 2021


1.5 Characteristics of Primates; Evolutionary Trend and Primate Taxonomy; Primate Adaptations; (Arboreal and Terrestrial) Primate Taxonomy; Primate Behaviour; Tertiary and Quaternary fossil primates; Living Major Primates; Comparative Anatomy of Man and Apes; Skeletal changes due to erect posture and its implications.

  1. ‘Man is a primate’. Discuss (30) 2011
  2. Compare and contrast the skull of Gorilla and Man (20) 2012
  3. Role of Primatology in Anthropological studies (10) 2013
  4. Elucidate the skeletal differences between human and chimpanzees (15) 2014
  5. Explain the skeletal changes due to erect posture and their implications (15) 2016
  6. Bring out the comparative anatomical features of man and apes. Discuss their evolutionary significance (15) 2017

7.Discuss the evolutionary significance of bipedalism and erect posture. (20) 2019

8.Jane Goodall’s contribution in studying primate behaviour (10) 2020

9.Illustrate with examples the various types of locomotion patterns among the non human primates (15) 2020

10.The losses and gains of erect posture. (10) 2021


1.6 Phylogenetic status, characteristics and geographical distribution of the following:

  1. Plio-pleistocene hominids in South and East Africa – Australopithecines.
  2. Homo erectus: Africa (Paranthropus), Europe (Homo erectus heidelber-gensis), Asia (Homo erectus javanicus, Homo erectus pekinensis).
  3. Neanderthal Man- La-Chapelle-auxsaints (Classical type), Mt. Carmel (Progressive type).
  4. Rhodesian man. (e) Homo sapiens – Cromagnon, Grimaldi and Chancelede.
  5. Describe major skeletal similarities and differences between Homo erectus and Homo sapiens (30) 2011
  6. Comment briefly on the phylogenetic position of Australopithecincs (10) 2012
  7. Asian Homo Erectus (10) 2014
  8. Describe the salient characteristics and geographical distribution of Homo Erectus 2015
  9. Rhodesian Man (10) 2015
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7.Describe the culture related to homo erectus. (15) 2018

8.Olduvai Gorge (10) 2019

9.”Europeans are closer to Neanderthals”. Critically discuss in view of the African origin of humankind. (15) 2019

10.Critically evaluate the contesting theories of the emergence and dispersal of modern Homo

Sapiens. (20) 2020

11.What are the physical and cultural characteristics of Homo Erectus? Discuss its phylogenetic status (20) 2021

1.7 The biological basis of life: The Cell, DNA structure and replication, Protein Synthesis, Gene, Mutation, Chromosomes, and Cell Division.


1.8 (a) Principles of Prehistoric Archaeology. Chronology: Relative and Absolute Dating methods.

(b) Cultural Evolution- Broad Outlines of Prehistoric cultures: (i) Paleolithic (ii) Mesolithic (iii)

Neolithic (iv) Chalcolithic (v) Copper-Bronze Age (vi) Iron Age

  1. Relative Dating Methods (12) 2012
  2. Discuss the typology and distribution of Upper Palaeolithic Cultures in India (20) 2012
  3. Carbon 14 method of Dating (10) 2013
  4. Give a broad outline of Paleolithic culture emphasizing upon its tool technology (20) 2013
  5. Describe the absolute dating methods in archeology, highlighting the importance of each method (15)2014
  6. Describe the neolithic culture in India (15) 2014
  7. Palaeolithic Culture (10) 2015
  8. Neolithic Cultures of India (10) 2016
  9. Delineate the salient features of Chalcolithic cultures (15) 2016
  10. Salient features of Mesolithic Culture (10) 2017
  11. What are dating methods? Discuss one absolute method and one relative method in detail.

(15) 2017

12.Town planning of Harappan culture. (10) 2018

13.Give an account of the consequences of food production of neolithic culture. (15) 2018

14.Explain the impact of discovery of iron technology on contemporary society. (15) 2018

15.Describe the principles of radio-carbon dating. Mention its limitations. (15) 2018

16.Relative dating methods (10) 2019

17.Elucidate mesolithic culture and associated rock art with examples from India. (15) 2019

18.Discuss briefly the major traditions in the Upper paleolithic culture of Europe. (15) 2019

1[12].Discuss with examples the megalithic culture of India in the archaelogical context. (20) 2019

20.Natufian culture (10) 2020

21.Differentiate between lower paleolithic culture and middle paleolithic culture with suitable examples. (15) 2020

22.Thermoluminescence dating (10) 2021

23.Describe the features of early farming cultures and neolithic of the Near East. (15) 2021

24. Discuss the salient features of different traditions of European Mesolithic (15) 2021


9.1 Human Genetics : Methods and Application: Methods for study of genetic principles in manfamily study (pedigree analysis, twin study, foster child, co-twin method, cytogenetic method, chromosomal and karyo-type analysis), biochemical methods, immunological methods, D.N.A. technology and recombinant technologies.

  1. Twin Methods in Human Genetics (10) 2013
  2. What do you understand by Immunogenetics? Explain with suitable examples (15) 2015
  3. Briefly discuss the various methods used in the genetic study of man (20) 2017
  4. Discuss monogenic and polygenic inheritance in man, citing suitable examples (30) 2011
  5. What are lethal and sub-lethal genes? Explain (20) 2012
  6. Critically discuss the Mendelian principles and their applications to human population (15) 2016

4.Categorise genes that impact human survival (10) 2018

9.3 Concept of genetic polymorphism and selection, Mendelian population, HardyWeinberg law; causes and changes which bring down frequency – mutation, isolation, migration, selection, inbreeding and genetic drift. Consanguineous and non-consanguineous mating, genetic load, genetic effect of consanguineous and cousin marriages.

  1. Genetic Polymorphism (15) 2011
  2. Conditions necessary for the operation of Hardy-Weinberg Law (15) 2011
  3. What are the genetic effects of consanguinity? Give Examples (20) 2012
  4. What do you understand by ‘Genetic Load’ in a population? How is it measured and what are the important factors that can influence it? (15) 2013
  5. Discuss the factors affecting Gene frequencies among human populations. (20) 2014
  6. Define Genetic Polymorphism. Give details of its types with suitable examples (15) 2015
  7. Hardy-Weinberg Law (10) 2017

8.Explain the mechanisms of human variation in gene frequencies. (20) 2018

9.Differentiate between transient and balanced genetic polymorphism. Illustrate your answer with suitable examples from human populations. (15) 2019

10.Genetic drift (10) 2020

1[13].How does marriage rules impact the gene pool of populations ? (15) 2020

9.4 Chromosomes and chromosomal aberrations in man, methodology. (a) Numerical and structural aberrations (disorders). (b) Sex chromosomal aberrations – Klinefelter (XXY), Turner (XO), Super female (XXX), intersex and other syndromic disorders. (c) Autosomal aberrations – Down syndrome, Patau, Edward and Cri-duchat syndromes. (d) Genetic imprints in human disease, genetic screening, genetic counseling, human DNA profiling, gene mapping and genome study.

  1. Genetic Counseling (12) 2012
  2. Describe Turner and Klinefelter Syndrome in humans (15) 2014
  3. Genetic Counseling (10) 2014
  4. Down Syndrome (10) 2015
  5. Discuss Chromosomal aberrations in man illustrating with examples (15) 2015
  6. Explain the significance of screening and counseling for genetic disorders (15) 2016

8.Describe the mechanisms for structural anomalies of autosomes with diagrams. (20) 2018

9.How many numerical aberrations in sex chromosomes lead to genetic disorder ? (15) 2020

10.What are the applications of human genomic research in human welfare ? (15) 2020

1[14].Chromosomal aberrations can play havoc with human body and mind. Explain with suitable examples. (15) 2021


9.5 Race and racism, biological basis of morphological variation of non-metric and metric characters. Racial criteria, racial traits in relation to heredity and environment; biological basis of racial classification, racial differentiation and race crossing in man.

  1. Discuss Race Crossing in humans with suitable examples (20) 2012
  2. Differentiate between Race and Racism. What are three major races of the world? Give important biological criteria used frequently for such a classification (15) 2013
  3. Explain the role of heredity and environment in the formation of races (15) 2016
  4. Concept of Race (10) 2017

5.Race is a myth. Justify its present day relevance (10) 2018

6.With reference to the somatoscopic and morphometric characteristics commonly used for racial classification, make critical comments as to whether race is a valid concept. (20) 2019

7.Racism and eugenics. (10) 2020

8.Is race a valid and biologically meaningful concept. (10) 2021

Genetic Markers and Physiology

9.6 Age, sex and population variation as genetic marker- ABO, Rh blood groups, HLA Hp, transferring, Gm, blood enzymes. Physiological characteristicsHb level, body fat, pulse rate, respiratory functions and sensory perceptions in different cultural and socio-economic groups.

  1. Give a comparative account of variations in hemoglobin level and respiratory functions among the populations living under different environmental stresses 30 2012
  2. What are genetic markers and what is their usefulness? Why are blood groups considered as good genetic markers? Illustrate with examples 15 2013
  3. Rh-Blood Group 10 2016


9.7 Concepts and methods of Ecological Anthropology. Bio-cultural Adaptations – Genetic and Non- genetic factors. Man’s physiological responses to environmental stresses: hot desert, cold, high altitude climate.

  1. Native highlanders are well adapted to the high altitude environment. Discuss (30) 2011
  2. How does improved aerobic fitness increase exercise tolerance in warm humid climates? Give suitable examples in support of your answer. (20) 2012
  3. Elaborate upon major human adaptations to heat and cold (15) 2013
  4. Ecological Anthropology (10) 2014
  5. What are stresses at high altitudes? How do better cardio-respiratory functions help the native highlanders in combating low environmental pressure? (15) 2014
  6. Critically examine the physiological responses and acclimatization to cold climate in Man (15) 2015
  7. Discuss the genetic and non-genetic factors in the bio-cultural adaptations of human beings to different environments (20) 2016
  8. Discuss the responses and acclimatization to high altitude stresses (15) 2017

9.Do Allen’s and Bergmann’s rules hold true for human populations? Explain with examples. (15) 2018

10.Distinguish between adaptation, adaptibility and acclimatization with examples. (20) 2018 11.”Human adaptations are always bio-cultural in nature”. Discuss with reference to human adaptation to high-altitude climate. (15) 2019

12.Describe the bio-cultural responses to extreme climatic events. (15) 2020

13.What is acclimatization? Discuss adaptive responses to high altitude and cold climates. (20) 2021 Disease

9.8 Epidemiological Anthropology: Health and disease. Infectious and non-infectious diseases.

Nutritional deficiency related diseases.

  1. Epidemiological Anthropology (12) 2012
  2. Briefly discuss the important causes for the variations in occurrences and intensity of parasitic diseases among different population. (20) 2012
  3. What is meant by Epidemiological transition? Elaborate upon its causes and consequences highlighting major health problems of our adult population today (15) 2013
  4. Discuss the role of anthropology in understanding health and disease. What specific understanding is available with respect to infectious and non-infectious disease (20) 2014
  5. Epidemiological Anthropology (10)2014
  6. Describe the scope of Epidemiological Anthropology in the study of infectious and non-infectious diseases (20) 2016

7.Narrate evolution of diseases and major causes of ill health in human populations. (15) 2018 8.Critically examine the demographic and epidemiological consequences with rise in food production and sedentism. (15)2020

9.Describe the impact of infectious diseases on indigeneous populations. (15) 2020


10. Concept of human growth and development: stages of growth – pre-natal, natal, infant, childhood, adolescence, maturity, senescence. – Factors affecting growth and development genetic, environmental, biochemical, nutritional, cultural and socio-economic. – Ageing and senescence. Theories and observations – biological and chronological longevity. Human physique and somatotypes. Methodologies for growth studies.

  1. Describe different methods of studying human growth (30) 2011
  2. Define somatotype. Describe the salient features of different components of somatotypes (30) 2011
  3. Explain any two biological theories of ageing based on purposeful events (20) 2012
  4. Differentiate between child growth and development (10) 2013
  5. Ageing and Senescence (10) 2013
  6. Justify ‘Though human growth is under tight genetic control but it is influenced by various environmental factors’ (15) 2013
  7. Cross-sectional methods of studying human growth (10) 2014
  8. What are the different stages of growth? Describe any one of them in detail (20) 2014
  9. Discuss Ageing and Senescence. Describe either the biological and social theories of Ageing (20) 2014
  10. Longitudinal method of studying growth (10) 2015

1[15]. What is an anthropometric somatotype? Describe Heath and Carter’s method of somatotyping (20) 2015

  1. Discuss different factors affecting Growth and Development in Human beings (20) 2016
  2. Describe the various methods of studying growth highlighting their merits and demerits (15) 2017
  3. Discuss Sheldon’s method of somatotyping (15)2017

15.Issues of elderly and senescence in developing and developed countries. (10) 2018

16.Genetico-environmental factors affecting human growth. (10) 2019

17.Discuss the methods of studying human growth with their merits and demerits. (15) 2019

18.Senescence (10) 2020

19.Secular trend in human growth can be positive, negative or neutral. Illustrate with examples.


20.Human adolescent growth spurt. (10) 2021

21.Discuss the physiological and evolutionary theories of ageing (15) 2021


11.1 Relevance of menarche, menopause and other bioevents to fertility. Fertility patterns and differentials.

  1. Discuss the relevance of menarche, menopause and other bioevents to fertility (15) 2014
  2. Menopause and its impact (10) 2015
  3. Age at Menarche (10) 2017

11.2 Demographic theories- biological, social and cultural.

1. Demographic Transition (10) 2013

  1. Fertility and Fecundity (10) 2014
  2. Fertility and Fecundity (10) 2016
  3. Describe the biological and socio-ecological factors affecting fertility and mortality (15) 2017

4.Define fecundity and explain major factors affecting fecundity in Indian population. (15) 2018 5.Discuss the bio-cultural factors affecting fertility in light of the relationship between fecundity and fertility. (15) 2019

6.Discuss the bio-social determinants of fertility and fecundity (15) 2021

Applied Physical

12. Applications of Anthropology: Anthropology of sports, Nutritional anthropology, Anthropology in designing of defence and other equipments, Forensic Anthropology, Methods and principles of personal identification and reconstruction, Applied human genetics – Paternity diagnosis, genetic counseling and eugenics, DNA technology in diseases and medicine, serogenetics and cytogenetics in reproductive biology

  1. Discuss the application of anthropological knowledge in designing equipments (30) 2011
  2. Personal identification (15) 2011
  3. Explain the application of anthropological knowledge in genetic counseling, forensic science, sports and nutrition (30) 2011
  4. Applications of anthropology in designing (12) 2012
  5. Discuss the role of ABO blood group system in resolving the cases of paternity disputes (20) 2012
  6. Genetic Counselling (12) 2012
  7. Discuss briefly the applications of the knowledge of human osteology in forensic investigation (20) 2012
  8. Genetic Counselling (10) 2014
  9. DNA Technology in Medicine (10) 2015
  10. Elucidate the role of Anthropology in selection and monitoring of sports persons (15) 2015
  11. Forensic Science can be helpful in criminal investigations. Discuss (20) 2015
  12. Forensic Anthropology (10) 2016
  13. Describe the role of Anthropology in designing defense and other equipments (15) 2016
  14. What are the methods of personal identification? Critically examine how personal identification helps in criminal investigations (20) 2017
  15. Anthropology and designing of equipments (10) 2017

16.Advanced molecular anthropology techniques. (10) 2018

17.Anthropological inputs in facial reconstruction (10) 2019

18.”Applied human genetics has come to touch every sphere of human life.” Discuss in light of recent advances in molecular anthropology. (15) 2019

19.Ethics and genetic engineering. (10) 2020

20.How are the cases of disputed paternity solved? Discuss the recent techniques. (15) 2021 21.What is anthropometry? Discuss its role in assessing the nutritional status and sports capability of a person. (15) 2021

  1. .3 Marriage: Definition and universality; Laws of marriage (endogamy, exogamy, hypergamy, hypogamy, incest taboo); Types of marriage (monogamy, polygamy, polyandry, group marriage).

  2. . Synthetic Theory (15) 2011

  3. . Adaptive radiation in the context of evolution (12) 2012

  4. . How ‘natural selection’ acts on variation? (12) 2012

  5. . Discuss how Neo-Darwinism integrated the fields of Genetics and Evolution (20) 2013

  6. . Critically examine Darwin’s theory of Evolution in understanding evolution (15) 2015

  7. . Elucidate the biological and cultural factors in Human Evolution (15) 2015

  8. . Elucidate the biological and cultural factors in Human Evolution (15) 2016

  9. .Explain the biological changes that made human being capable of making culture. (20) 2018

  10. .Adaptive primate radiation (10) 2019

  11. . Neanderthal Man (15) 2011

  12. .2 Mendelian genetics in man-family study, single factor, multifactor, lethal, sub-lethal and polygenic inheritance in man.

  13. . Discuss the chromosomal aberrations and manifestations of Klinefelter and Turner syndromes (20) 2012

  14. . Respiratory functions 15 2011

  15. 1.3 Biological and socio-ecological factors influencing fecundity, fertility, natality and mortality.

ALSO READ  Chapter 17. International Relations Notes for UPSC Mains

(1995-2021) Anthropology Optional Previous Year Question Papers (Topic-wise) Paper 2


PAPER II Questions (2011-21) copy


Indian Anthropology

Archaeological Anthropology in India

1.1 Evolution of Indian Culture and Civilization –

Prehistoric (Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic and Neolithic-Chalcolithic)

Proto-history (Indus Civilization). Pre-Harappan, Harappan and Post Harappan Cultures

Contributions of Tribal Cultures to Indian Civilisation

  1. Neolithic Cultures of South India (10) 2017
  2. Describe the salient features of Chalcolithic Cultures of the Deccan (15) 2017
  3. Describe various aspects of trade and religion of Harappan Civilisation (15) 2017
  4. Significance of Mesolithic findings from Belan Valley (10) 2016
  5. Give a detailed appraisal of skeletal remains from Chalcolithic culture of undivided Punjab (20) 2016
  6. South Indian Paleolith (10) 2015
  7. Prehistoric Rock Art of Central India (10) 2015
  8. Discuss the significance of Harappan Civilisation sites from India (15) 2015
  9. Neolithic Culture of NE India (10) 2014
  10. Describe what is known of Harappan Religion. Have some of its elements continued into later

Hinduism? Discuss. (20) 2014

  1. Discuss salient features of Mesolithic Culture in India with special reference to western India (10) 2013
  2. Indian Paleolithic culture can neither be conceived chronologically homogeneous nor as a uniform cultural phase. Discuss (15) 2013
  3. Discuss the contributions of HD Sankalia to prehistoric anthropology in India (20) 2013
  4. Palaeolithic Art (12) 2012
  5. Soan Culture (12) 2012
  6. Compare the salient features and distribution of the Middle Palaeolithic and Upper Palaeolithic

Cultures in India. Add a note on the tool traditions of upper palaeolithic culture (30) 2012

  1. Iron Age in Gangetic Region (15) 2011
  2. Describe the characteristic features of Mesolithic Cultures in India (30) 2011
  3. Discuss the significance of Sohan in Indian prehistory (30) 2011


20.Explain the contributions of tribal cultures to Indian civilization. (20) 2018

2[1].Examine the regional variations of mesolithic culture of India. (20) 2018

2[2].Describe the paleolithic culture with special reference to Soanian tradition. Indicate the problems of describing the Indian paleolithic. (20) 2019

2[3].What kind of society maybe reconstructed from the archaeological evidences of Harappan culture? (20) 2019

2[4].Distribution of Neolithic sites in India. (10) 2019

2[5].Contribution of Robert Bruce Foot to Indian Archaeology. (10) 2020

2[6].Discuss the contribution of V N Misra to archaeological anthropology in India. (15) 2020

2[7].Discuss the characteristic features of Neolithic culture in India. (15)2020

28.Harappan seals (10) 2021

29.Critically discuss the origin of Indus valley civilization. Mention the evidences of its endogenous origin from Pre-Harappan sites. (20) 2021

30.Give the distribution and characteristics feature of upper paleolithic culture in India (15) 2021

1.2 Palaeo – Anthropological Evidences from India with special reference to Shiwaliks and Narmada

Basin (Ramapithecus, Sivapithecus and Narmada Man)

8.Phylogenetic position and morphological features of Ramapithecus. (10) 2019

9.Narmada man (10) 2020

10.Discuss the morphological features and phylogenetic position of Ramapithecus (15) 2021

1.3 Ethno-archaeology in India The concept of Ethno-archaeology

Survivals and Parallels among the hunting, fishing, pastoral and peasant communities including arts and crafts producing communities

  1. Ethno-archaeology (10) 2017
  2. Discuss the relevance of art and craft traditions in the understanding of

Indian Archeology (15)2017

3.Ethno-archaeological evidences for the survivals of hunting gathering tradition in India (10) 2016

4. Discuss the importance of ethno-archaeological approach to the study of Indigenous crafts in India (15) 2014


5.Ethnoarchaeology as a research strategy. (10)2018

6.Ethno-archaeological analysis of hunting activities of contemporary tribal communities. (10)


7.Discuss the importance of ethno-archaeology in reconstructing the past citing Indian examples. (15) 2020

2. Demographic Profile of India

Ethnic and Linguistic elements in the India population and their distribution

Indian population – factors influencing its structure and growth

  1. Austro-Asiatic Lingustic Groups in India (10) 2017
  2. Give your assessment of the reasons for the imbalance of the sex-ratio in India (20) 2017
  3. Linguistic elements in Indian population (10)2016
  4. Give a critical assessment of ‘Negrito Problem’ in India (15) 2016
  5. Briefly describe the classical models of ethnic and linguistic classification of Indian population.

Discuss its relevance today. (15) 2015

  1. Major Linguistic Divisions of India (10) 2014
  2. Contribution of HH Risley to the Aryan Debate (10) 2014
  3. Outline the distribution of Dravidian Languages in India and describe their cultural significance (15) 2014
  4. Describe the linguistic elements in Indian population (15) 2011


9.What are the various factors influencing population growth in India? (15) 2018

10.Distribution of Tibeto-Burman group of languages in India. (10) 2019

11.Debates on Aryan invasion. (10) 2020

12.Dravidian languages (10) 2020

13.Delineate the factors influencing fertility in India population. (15) 2021

3.1 The structure and nature of traditional Indian social system – 1) Varnashram, 2) Purushartha,

3) Karma, 4) Rina and 5) Rebirth

  1. Varnashram and Concept of Rina (10) 2017
  2. Philosophy behind Purushartha (15) 2011


3.Philosophy behind purushartha (10) 2018

4.Use of doctrine of karma and rebirth in justifying the varna system (10) 2019

5.Purushartha and righteous living today (10) 2021

3.2 Caste System in India – Structure and characteristics

Varna and Caste

Theories of Origin of Caste System

Dominant Caste




Future of Caste System

Jajmani System

Tribe-Caste Continuum

  1. Discuss the impact of market economy on the Jajmani System (20) 2017
  2. Relevance of Caste in contemporary Indian Politics (10) 2016
  3. Examine the structural and cultural theories of caste system in India (20) 2016

How is the process of Tribe-Caste-Continuum different from Sanskritisation? Comment (15) 2016 5. How do you understand the dynamics of Caste mobility? How did the concept of Sanskritisation contribute to its functionality? (20) 2015

  1. Critically examine the concept of Tribe-Caste-Continuum and its relevance in contemporary India (15) 2015
  2. Tribe-Caste-Continuum (10) 2014
  3. Do you think caste persists in contemporary India. Critically Discuss (15) 2014
  4. Define the concept of ‘Dominant Caste’ and examine its relevance in the contemporary Indian village with suitable examples. (20) 2014
  5. Discuss how Louis Dumont explained caste system. (10) 2013

1[8]. What is Jajmani system? Examine the views on Jajmani system as an egalitarian as well as exploitative system. Give reasons for its decline (25) 2013

1[9]. Examine the criticism on the concept of Dominant Caste (15) 2013

1[10]. Discuss the relevance of Dominant Caste in the context of contemporary Indian society (15) 2011

1[11]. Critically examine the theories of Origin of Caste (30) 2011


15.Based on historical and contemporary evidence, discuss the future of caste system in India. (15) 2018

16.Discuss the view that caste is not social stratification, but a system of social heirarchy. (15) 2018

17.Explain the significance of tribe-caste continnum in the present context. (15) 2018

18.The jajmani system and contemporary market economy (10) 2019

19.Discuss the characteristics of caste system in India. (20) 2020

20.Explain the reasons of caste violence in India with suitable examples. (20) 2020

21.Concept of dominant caste (10) 2020

22.Relevance of tribe-caste continuum (10) 2021

23.Caste and social capital (10) 2021

3.3 Sacred Complex and Nature-Man-Spirit Complex

Discuss the significance of study of religious centres to the understanding of Indian Civilisation

(20) 2013

6. Sacred Geography (12) 2012


7.Critically examine the contributions of Makhan Jha and BN Saraswati to the study of sacred complexes in India. (20) 2018

8.Explain the impact of the nature man spirit complex on sustainable use of natural resources with suitable examples. (20) 2021

3.4 Impact of Buddhism, Jainism, Islam and Christianity on Indian society

  1. Explain how Buddhism influenced the economic and cultural transformations of Indian society (20) 2017
  2. Impact of Jainism on Indian society (10) 2016
  3. Discuss the contribution of Islam to the composite culture of India (15) 2014
  4. Sufi tradition of Islam (10) 2013


5.Explain the impact of Buddhism and Jainism on Indian Society. (20) 2018

6.Discuss the impact of Islam on Indian society. (20) 2020

Anthropology in India

4. Emergence, growth and development in India –

Contributions of the 18th, 19th and 20th century scholar-administrators

Contributions of Indian Anthropologists to Tribe and Caste Studies

  1. Discuss the contribution of Nirmal Kumar Bose to the understanding of Indian Society (20) 2017
  2. Write about the contribution made by Christoph von furer-Haimendorf to tribal anthropology in India (20) 2016
  3. Compare the contribution of LP Vidyarthi and DN Majumdar to the study of Indian tribes (15) 2016
  4. Discuss the contribution of MN Srinivas to the study of Indian Society. Examine the influence of

British Social anthropologists on his ideas (15) 2015

  1. Discuss the contributions of SC Roy to the understanding of Tribes of India (20) 2014

Examine the anthropological contributions dealing with tribes and Indian civilisation (25) 2013

  1. Assess the contributions of early 20th century enthnographic traditions to Indian Anthropology (15) 2013
  2. Trace the trajectory of encyclopaedic works on tribes and castes of South India with special reference to Ananta krishna Iyer’s contribution (20) 2012
  3. Compare the contribution of SC Roy and Verrier Elvin to tribal enthographies in India (20) 2012

1[12]. Colonial Ethnography (12) 2012

1[13]. Assess the contribution of Verrier Elvin to Indian Anthropology (15) 2011

1[14]. Evaluate the contribution of American Anthropologists to Indian Anthropology (30) 2011


1[15].Discuss the contributions of SC Roy in the study of tribal cultures in India. (15)2018

15.Give an account of the contributions of Iravati Karve and BS Guha to the analysis of race and caste in India. (20) 2019

16.Write about the role of colonial administration in the development of anthropology in India. (15) 2019

17.Contribution of KS Singh to Indian anthropology. (10) 2020

18.Examine the contributions of SC Roy in highlighting the role of customary laws in tribal life. (15) 2021

19.Discuss the contributions of NK Bose in understanding tribal communities and their place in

Indian civilisation. (20) 2021



Indian Village

Significance of village study in India

Indian village as a social system

Traditional and changing pattern of settlement and inter-caste relations

Agrarian relations in Indian villages

Impact of globalization on Indian villages


  1. Discuss the impact of globalisation on village economy in India (15) 2015
  2. Indian farmers are not slow to react to economic opportunities. Discuss (15) 2013
  3. Examine the impact of Green revolution on rural poor (15) 2013
  4. How has globalisation impacted agrarian relations in the last two decades (20) 2012


9.Discuss the impact of market economy on rural villages. (15) 2018

10.Examine colonial administrators view that Indian villages can be considered as ‘little republics’.


1[16].Agrarian social structure (10) 2018

1[17].Identify the theoretical concepts that have emerged out of village studies in India. (20) 2019

1[18].Describe the impact of industrialisation on the economic and social aspects of India’s villages.

(15) 2019

1[19].Discuss the impact of globalisation on Indian villages. (15) 2020

1[20].Describe the different settlement patterns in rural India. (15) 2020

1[21].Factionalism and politics in rural India. (10) 2021

1[22][23][24][25].Examine how structural transformation in economy is affecting traditional social relationships in agrarian society. (20) 2021

5.2 Linguistic and Religious minorities and their social, political and economic status

5.3 Indigenous and Exogenous processes of socio-cultural change in Indian society

Sanskritisation, Westernisation and Modernisation

Interplay of little and great tradition

Panchayati Raj and Social Change


Media and Social Change

  1. Discuss the impact of Media as an instrument of social change (15) 2017
  2. Discuss the impact of Panchayati Raj institution on the empowerment of rural women in India (15) 2017
  3. Examine the nature of interplay of little and great tradition in the context of globalisation (15) 2016
  4. Panchayati Raj Institution and Social Change (10) 2015
  5. Examine the social implications of Media and communications technology (20) 2015
  6. Great Tradition and Little Tradition (10) 2014
  7. Critique of the concept of Great and Little Tradition (15) 2011
  8. Modernity has entered Indian character and society but it has done so through assimilation, not replacement. Discuss (30) 2011


9.The impact of Panchayati Raj institutions in rural areas. (10) 2018

10.Modernization (10) 2018

11.Discuss the impact of media on the social life of Indian villages. (15) 2019

12.Panchayati Raj as a facilitator of social inclusion in rural society. (10) 2019

13.Discuss how the elements of Little and Great traditions combine in the emergence of social/ political/ religious movements, giving any one example to illustrate the issue. (15) 2019

14.Concept of Sanskritization. (10) 2020

15.Khap panchayat (10) 2020

1[26].Discuss the role of Panchayati Raj institutions in transforming the traditional power heirarchy in rural India. (15) 2021

17.Ethnic media and social awareness. (10) 2021

Tribal India

Linguistic and socio-economic characteristics of tribal populations and their distributions

  1. Discuss how the cultural diversity of Indian tribes have enriched its plural traditions (15) 2016
  2. Bio-genetic variability of Indian tribes (10) 2016
  3. Bio-genetic variations of Indian Tribe (10) 2014
  4. Threat to tribal languages in India (10)2013
  5. Linguistic Classification of Indian tribes (10) 2013
  6. Discuss the linkages between language, territoriality and kinship among the tribes of NE India (30) 2012

7.Youth Dormitory (12)2012

  1. Discuss the distinctive features of Tribes in NE India (30) 2011
  2. Tribes in India are not homogeneous group. Discuss (30) 2011


10.Distinctive cultural features of tribes of Andaman islands (10) 2018

ALSO READ  Indus River System : Introduction, Tributaries, Origin, Features | Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas & Satluj

1[27].Youth dormitory as an institution (10) 2018

1[28].Tribe and scheduled tribe (10) 2018

13.Compare and contrast the economic typology of tribes given by different anthropologists. (20)


14.Elucidate the linguistic classification of Indian tribes. (15) 2020 15.Concept of tribe and Indian census (10) 2021



Problems of Tribal Communities

Land Alienation



Low Literacy

Poor Educational facilities



Health and Nutrition

  1. Discuss how constitutional provisions in India have built-in mechanisms for dealing with the problems of land alienation in tribal areas (20) 2015
  2. Discuss the socio-cultural, economic and psychological constraints responsible for low literacy in tribal areas (15) 2015
  3. Socio-economic characteristics of Shifting Cultivators (10) 2015
  4. Discuss the impact of land alienation on the tribes of Central India (15) 2014
  5. Discuss the alternatives for shifting cultivators in the context of ecological costs and humanistic concerns (20) 2013
  6. Commodification of Tribal Art (12) 2012
  7. Indigenous Knowledge (12) 2012
  8. Future of Hunting and Gathering tribe (15) 2011


11.Examine the advancement made in the Land acquisition and rehabilitation act, 2013 over the land acquisition act of 1894. (15) 2018

12.Issues relating to tribal education (10) 2019

13.What are the salient issues faced by pastoral communities in India? Discuss with suitable examples. (15) 2019

14.Discuss the effect of job reservation in alleviating unemployment among the tribal people of India. (15) 2020

15.Elucidate the problems of land alienation among the tribals of India. (15) 2020

16.Elucidate the problems and challenges in educational attainment of the scheduled tribes (15) 2021

17.Examine the factors responsible for malnutrition in tribal India and suggest interventions to overcome the problem. (15) 2021

18.Explain the impact of successive Land Acquisition acts on tribal social organisation (20) 2021

6.3 Tribal Issues

Development Projects and their impact on tribal displacement and rehabilitation

Development of Forest Policy and



Impact of








on tribal populations



  1. Impact of Industrialisation on the ST population of Jharkhand (10) 2016
  2. [29] Explain the difficulties experienced by ST with regard to implementation of the FRA 2006 (15) 2016

Constitutional safeguards for Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes

  1. Forest Policy and Tribes (10) 2014
  2. Discuss the impact of globalisation on the livelihood of tribal population (20) 2014
  3. Impact of sanctuaries and national parks over tribal population (10) 2013
  4. Critically examine the national policy on rehabilitation and resettlement substantiating it with experiences from different parts of India (30) 2012
  5. FRA 2006 (15) 2011
  6. Discuss the problems of displaced tribal communities with the help of recent examples (30) 2011
  7. Discuss the impact of Urbanisation and Industrialisation on Tribal women (15) 2011


9.Discuss the significance and implementation of ‘Recognition of Forest Rights Act, 2006’ (15)2018 10.What has been the impact of development projects on the environment and livelihood of forestdwelling tribes? (15)2019

1[30].Explain the impact of development induced displacement among the tribal people in India with suitable examples. (20)2020

1[31].Urbanisation and tribal institutions (10) 2021

1[32].Discuss the impact of Forest Rights Act, 2006 on the culture and livelihood of tribal people in India. (20) 2021

1[33][34].Discuss the problems involved in rehabilitation and resettlement of tribals displaced due to development projects in India. (15) 2021

Contemporary Indian Society

  1. Socio-Economic marginalisation of Tribal people (10) 2014
  2. Critically examine the constitutional provisions for safeguarding the interests of STs in India (20) 2014
  3. Discuss the social disabilities suffered by Scheduled Castes (15) 2013


9.What are the constitutional safeguards to protect the interest of Indian tribes. (15) 2019

10.Describe the provisions under 6th schedule of the Indian constitution. (15) 2020

1[35].Critically evaluate the state of implementation of constitutional safeguards for the scheduled castes. (15) 2020

1[36].Politics of recognition and deprivation (10) 2021

7.2 Social Change and contemporary tribal society

Impact of modern democratic institutions, developmental programmes and welfare measures on tribals and weaker sections

  1. Discuss the nature of social change in tribal India under the impact of developmental programmes (15)2015
  2. Examine the impact of non-tribal contact on socio-cultural institutions of tribal people with suitable examples (15) 2013
  3. Using ethnographic examples, point out how gender relations have changed over time among Central Indian tribes (20) 2012





Concept of Ethnicity

Ethnic Conflicts and political



Unrest among tribal communities

Regionalism and demand for autonomy


Social Change among tribes during colonial and post-independent India

  1. Tribes as a colonial construct (10) 2016
  2. Rights over resources and tribal unrest (10) 2015
  3. What are the significant factors responsible for Tribal Unrest? (15) 2014
  4. Discuss the rise of ethno-nationalism among Indian tribes with specific example (15) 2014
  5. Government Action towards Left Wing Extremism (10) 2013
  6. Ethnic movements in India (10) 2013
  7. Discuss how British policies dispossessed tribals of their communal properties and agricultural lands (15) 2013
  8. Critically examine the relationship between tribal communities and the Nation-State on issues of governance (20) 2012

1[37]. Left Wing Extremism and tribals in India (15) 2011


1[38].Discuss the various factors resulting in tribal unrest in various parts of India. (15) 2018

1[39].Ethnicity & regionalism (10) 2019

1[40].What has been the contribution of tribal people to Indian independence movement ? (15) 2019 1[41].Discuss with appropriate examples how tribal unrest may be understood as emerging out of an incompatibility between tribes and nation-state. (20) 2019

1[42].Concept of ethnicity (10) 2020

1[43].Discuss the regionalism and demand for autonomy in India from anthropological perspective with respect to Kashmir/ Nagaland/ Bodoland/ Gorkhaland agitation (20) 2020

1[44].Identify the causes of tribal unrest with special reference to North-East India. (15) 2021

8.1 Impact of Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and other religions on Tribal Societies

9.Explain the impact of Hinduism on the tribal people of India . (15) 2020

10.Critically assess the impact of Christianity on tribal culture and identity. (15) 2021

8.2 Tribe and nation state – a comparative study of tribes in India and other countries

  1. Critically evaluate the term ‘Tribe’ (as used in India) compared to the term ‘indigenous’ in some other countries (20) 2017
  2. Critically compare ‘Affirmative Action’ of USA and ‘Protective Discrimination’ for STs in India (15) 2015
  3. Discuss the concept of ‘indigenous people’ as per the relevant UN convention. Are tribals of India indigenous people? Comment (20) 2012


9.1 Developmental Planning

History of administration of Tribal areas, tribal policies, plans, programmes of tribal development and their implementation

Concept of PTGs/PVTGs (Primitive Tribal Group), their distribution and special programme for their development

Role of NGOs in tribal development

  1. Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs/PTGs) (10) 2017
  2. Discuss the emergence, salient features and limitations of Tribal Sub-Plan (15) 2017
  3. Give a critical appraisal of any one tribal development programme during XIIth Five Year Plan.

Give your suggestion for any improvement in the programme (15) 2017

  1. Describe how various tribal development programmes and plans have impacted the process of social transformation among tribes (15) 2016
  2. Critically examine the role of NGOs and missionaries in transformation of STs in Central India (15) 2016
  3. Relevance of Tribal Panchsheel today (10) 2015
  4. Elvin-Ghurye debate on Tribes (10) 2015
  5. Recently NGOs have been critiqued for interfering with the developmental process in the tribal heartland. Critically comment. (20) 2015
  6. Concept of PTGs (10) 2014
  7. Critically evaluate the National Tribal Policy (15) 2014

1[45]. Critically examine the role of NGOs in promoting health and education in tribal areas (15) 2014

1[46]. Describe the history of tribal administration in colonial period (15) 2014

1[47]. Role of Gram Sabha under PESA (10) 2013

1[48]. 5th and 6th Schedule are built on the foundation laid by the colonial government. Discuss (20) 2013

1[49]. Discuss the cultural and administrative factors in Tribal development (15) 2013

1[50]. Discuss the criticism levelled against anthropology in the context of ‘Isolation and assimilation debate’ on tribal population (20) 2013

  1. Examine the relevance of Tribal Panchsheel by JL Nehru in the light of emerging development practices (20) 2012
  2. Using suitable examples, bring out the historical processes of social exclusion of denotified tribes (20) 2012
  3. Tribal Panchsheel (15) 2011
  4. Discuss the approach adopted towards tribal communities during Colonial and postindependence periods (30) 2011


21.Discuss the salient features of PESA act of 1996 and attempt a comparison with the features of the VI schedule. (15) 2018

22.Critically assess the existing plans and programmes meant for tribal welfare. (15) 2019

23.Identify some special programmes for Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (erstwhile PTGs) (15) 2019

24.Critically discuss the role of NGOs in tribal development (15) 2019

25.Describe the functions of Tribal Research Institutes in India (15) 2020

26.Discuss the interventions made by NGOs for empowering tribal women. (15) 2021

    1. Role of Anthropology in Tribal and Rural development……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

7.Examine the strengths and weaknesses of anthropology in context of its role in tribal and rural development (20) 2018

    1. Contribution of Anthropology in the understanding of Regionalism, Communalism and Ethnic and Political Movements
  1. Anthropological interpretation of ethnic and political movements (10) 2016
  2. Critically examine the concept of communalism and its relevance for multi-religious and multi-ethnic polity of India (20) 2015
  3. Factors contributing to communalism (15) 2011


4.Anthropological understanding of communalism (10) 2019

Outside Paper II Area

  1. Ethical Issues in Genetic Research 12 2012
  2. Critically examine the ‘book view’ and ‘field view’ of social reality 20 2012
  3. Examine Linkages between: a) Gender and Customary Law b) Gender and Caste 20


  1. . Describe the salient features of Ramapithecus (15) 2017

  2. . Delineate the salient characteristics of ‘Narmada Man’ and examine its phylogenetic significance (15) 2016

  3. . Describe the paleoanthropological fossil finds from Siwalik Hills. Examine the contribution of

    Siwalik fossils to paleoanthropologcial knowlegde (15) 2015

  4. . Describe the evolutionary significance of the fossil finds of the Narmada Basin (15) 2014

  5. . Examine the debates related to Ramapithecus (10) 2013

  6. . Narmada Man (12) 2012


  7. .Describe the salient features of Sivapithecus. (15) 2018

  8. . Nature-Man-Spirit Complex (10) 2017

  9. . Sacred Complex as a dimension of Indian Civilization (10) 2015

  10. . Discuss the concept of Sacred Complex with an ethnographic example (15) 2014

  11. . Examine Nature-Man-Spirit Complex as an ecological concept (15) 2013

  12. . Give a critical evaluation of any one anthropological village study in India (15) 2017

  13. . Describe the traditional pattern of settlement of Indian village (15) 2016

  14. . Explain Indian Village as a social system with suitable examples (20) 2016

  15. . Examine the contribution of village studies towards understanding of Indian social system (20) 2015

  16. . Discuss the social, political and economic status of Muslims in India (15) 2017

  17. . Discuss the problems faced by religious minorities in India (15) 2015

  18. . Critically examine the prevalence of caste ideology among religious minorities in the Indian Context (30) 2012


  19. .Endangered languages (10) 2018

  20. .OBC among non-Hindu communities. (10) 2018

  21. .What has been the impact of non-Hindu religions on the emancipation of scheduled castes in India? (15) 2019

  22. .Linguistic minorities in India. (10) 2020

  23. .What are the social and political problems of religious minorities in India? (20) 2020

  24. .Cultural diversity and multiculturalism (10) 2021

  25. .Delineate the constitutional safeguard for religious minorities in India. (15) 2021

  26. .1 Tribal Situation in India Bio-genetic variability

  27. . Indebtedness among Tribal communities (10) 2017

  28. . Describe the impact of displacement on health and Nutritional status of Tribal communities (20) 2017

  29. .1 Problems of exploitation and deprivation of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes and Other

    Backward Classes

  30. . Critically discuss the Constitutional Safeguards for the Scheduled Castes (15) 2017

  31. . Other Backward Class (10) 2017

  32. . Examine the factors responsible for the exploitation of scheduled castes in India (20) 2016

  33. . Write in detail various provisions provided by the constitution of India for STs under Vth and VIth

    Schedules (20) 2016

  34. . Role of Governor in Vth Schedule Areas (10) 2015

  35. . Ethnicity and Regionalism (10) 2017

  36. . The role that regionalism plays in demand for autonomy among Indian Tribes (10) 2016

  37. . Impact of Christianity on India Tribes (10) 2017

  38. . Discuss the impact of Islam on STs of India (15) 2016

  39. . Discuss the impact of Hinduism on the status of tribal women in Central India (15) 2015

  40. . Islam and Matriliny (10) 2015

  41. . Impact of Christianity on Tribes (10) 2014

  42. . Using ethnographic examples highlight the concept of religious conversions in Tribal India (20) 2012

  43. . Discuss the impact of Hindu Society on tribal population in India (30) 2011


  44. .Describe the impact of Buddhism on the tribal population of India. (15) 2019

  45. . Discuss the role of Anthropology in understanding the loss of livelihood of tribal communities due to economic and ecological factors (15)2017

  46. . Describe how anthropological knowledge and methods are useful in rural development (15) 2016

  47. . Examine in detail the role of Anthropology in planning for tribal development (15) 2015

  48. . Critically assess the role of Anthropologists in rural development (20) 2014

  49. . Participatory Rural Appraisal (12) 2012

  50. . Using examples, comment on how anthropology can be utilised in policy making (20) 2012