Hey, This is Yuvraj Marmat
Secured 458 rank, solely on the GS marks.
There are already many toppers post for strategy and book list.
So i wont be doing all that.
This post is to help those people who are struggling in getting Good marks in
GS (1,2,3,4) and Essay
Many times it has been observed that students are not able to clear mains because of poor marks in GS while they are able to clear prelims each year with good score.
So this post might help those aspirants who wants to score 400 plus marks in GS.
I will be sharing my Philosophy notes on this post.
Table of Contents
- 1 Yuvraj Marmat UPSC Booklist
- 2 How you can clear Mains by Yuvraj Marmat UPSC Topper?
- 3 Myths of Mains Test Series by Yuvraj Marmat UPSC Topper
- 4 Answer Writing tips by Yuvraj Marmat UPSC Topper
- 5 Test series joined by Yuvraj Marmat UPSC Topper
- 6 Sincere advice for answer writing by Yuvraj Marmat UPSC Topper
- 7 Tips to evaluate your own performance in answer writing
- 8 Ethics strategy by Yuvraj Marmat UPSC Topper
- 9 Few last minutes pointers to remain in mind by Yuvraj Marmat UPSC Topper
Yuvraj Marmat UPSC Booklist
How you can clear Mains by Yuvraj Marmat UPSC Topper?
There are few Approach for it
Approach 1 :
Essay : 130 +
GS: 420 +
Optional : 250 +
Total : 800
Approach 2 :
Essay : 120 +
GS: 400+
Optional : 280-290 +
Total : 810
Approach 3 :
Essay: 120-130
GS : 430 +
Optional : 260
Total :820
So the Crux is that.. if you want to clear mains then,
Either you should have good marks in your optional subject (270-280 around)
or you can have good marks in GS which can balance your low optional marks.
and for getting into IAS : Top 70 Ranks : you need to score Good in all three areas. (GS,Essay,Optional)
So, you can’t ignore GS , if you wish for a Good Rank.
My Journey For GS
2016 : GS : 346, Essay : 113
2017: GS : 373 , Essay:126
2019 : GS : 341 , Essay : 123
2021 : GS : 417, Essay : 118
So I would like to discuss what I have done different in CSE 2021 Attempt.

Myths of Mains Test Series by Yuvraj Marmat UPSC Topper
First Lets start with the Myths of Mains Test Series:
Myths :
- Need to Join any expensive coaching , big coaching , established Coaching for test series.
Fact : All test series are more or less same, because copies are checked by Aspirants only who are Prelims or Mains qualified. so it doesnt matter much. quality of checking remain more or less same. so try to go for a cost effective test series for GS. - Just Test Series is sufficent for Good mains marks.
Fact : Test series are just a supportive pillar of your prep. You have to study alot, make notes, study current affairs regularly, apart from basic GS material. - just by giving test , you ll improve your writing skills.
Fact: you have to constantly take advice of seniors, faculty members, and keep on introspecting your performance, else there will be some redundency in your GS marks.
So, Overall you have to constantly push your performance, content enrichment and new ways of providing content in answers, which will make your answer more lucrative and scoring.
Answer Writing tips by Yuvraj Marmat UPSC Topper
What should be Essesntials in a Good answer to Fetch more marks :
Structured answer should be there :
▪️Introduction (should not be too long)
▪️Body ( addressing the demand of question)
▪️Small conclusion (4 lines max).
Things to keep in mind
1. Answer Should be point wise.
2. all areas of question should be addressed effectively, all parts should be addressed with equal efforts.
3. Break all parts of question and address each part starting with a headline , underline/box that headline, underline the keywords,
4. Always try to provide a small diagram in your answers, like there are 20 questions. you shoudl try to provide diagram atlest in 10 questions.
5. If there is a possiblity of example to explain things. provide examples in your answers.
6. Data and Facts helps in boosting the marks , try to provide more and more relevent data.
7. Dont go by instructions of the QCA, that 10 marks question has word limit of 150 and 15 marks has 250. try to give as many as points possible. fill up all the pages of the paper, it shuld be like that, examiner should think that you wanted to write more but couldnt find the place.
Test series joined by Yuvraj Marmat UPSC Topper
I would like to clarify that
I didn’t join any test series for
My optional (philosophy)
I have deduced way of writing by myself and with the help of friends.
Last test series i have joined was in 2018.
Recommend Mains Test series
GS : ForumIAS – can get 20% discount
PSIR: Shubra Ranjan.. no discount from my side
Current affairs: Level Up: 10% discount – on current affairs classes for GS 2, and G3, specially
Sociology : levelup– crash course cum test series- 10% doscount, AIR 14 was from there only
Philosophy: VVR — no discount as of now. – Avoid Patanjali
Essay and Ethics: Lukmaan IAS
no discount as of now.
Sincere advice for answer writing by Yuvraj Marmat UPSC Topper
Avoid any kind of extremes. Like
1. Too many diagrams or effort for diagrams in every answer.
2. Dont try to make your answer perfect, try to make it above average.
3. Start your answers
First 5 questions should be attempted first then directly jump to 11-20 and then in the last come to question no. 6-10. So in case if you miss any question it should be 10 marker.
4. Atleast First two answers should be in neat and clean handwriting.
5. If you dont know any answers completely leave that immediately. And try to answer in the last when you are done with most of the questions. There is no time to think in the examination. So don’t waste time.
6. Dont leave any question unattempted, if you dont know specifically what is asked write whatever you know but in structured manner. So that it looks relevant and you may get atleast 2 marks for it.
I ll keep on updating any new info or strategy.
🙏🏻 Thanks
Tips to evaluate your own performance in answer writing
Those who want to evaluate your own performance in answer writing.
Try to download toppers copy which are available on various website of different institutes.
Then dont look on the answers just write down the questions separately
Then try to answer those questions in your own way.
Once you are done with those questions compare them with the toppers answers. Then you ll realise what mistakes you have made and how your answer could be better.
Can try to 8-10 copies that would give sufficient insight in answer writing.
Ethics strategy by Yuvraj Marmat UPSC Topper
In my mains exam main focus was on case studies
I tried to write 2-3 at my home, didnt do much practice. So i had to face some time management issue in the exam.
I took almost 1:50 min for case studies
Remaining I attempted 13, 10 marker questions in 1:10 min. On a very avg level.
Despite this i got 113 in ethics. So moral of the story is
Attempt case studies in a very good way to boost your marks, and attempt 10 marker in avg or above avg level.
Also try to manage time properly
Case studies should be over in 1 hour 40 min max, in remaining time 10 marker questions.
Few last minutes pointers to remain in mind by Yuvraj Marmat UPSC Topper
- Attempt every question even if you dont know the exact answer just fill the pages, make some diagrams.
- Always try to make a small diagram in your answer.
- In essay dont cross word limit. Max can go 1300.
- Introduction and conclusion are must. So dont ignore them.
- In ethics attempt case studies first. But before than attempt 2 questions of 10 marks.
- Most importantly in all GS paper attempt first 5 questions first then attempt 15 markers and then in the last come to remaining 10 markers.
- Give as much as data as much you can.
- Avoid making silly mistakes like taking too much time in thinking what yo write what to not whatever comes to your mind just write it down.
- If you dont know any question then dont think too much leave it for the end. By the end you will remember some points for that question.
- Be confident and dont trip in exam.
- Bring redbull and drink it before 10 min when paper is about to start.
All the best everyone.