Dr Shubham Maurya IAS Notes, Age, Biography

Dr Shubham Maurya IAS

Dr Shubham Maurya UPSC Biography

Hello everyone,
I am Dr. Shubham Maurya (MBBS KGMU, Lucknow). I belong to Bhadohi, U.P. I have secured AIR 241 in UPSC CSE 2020 with medical science as my optional.
I am undergoing training as IRTS Probationer at present based on my last year’s selection in UPSC CSE 2019.
This was my 5th attempt. I have give 4 mains and 4 interviews. I have got 146 marks in essay which is one of the highest this year. My scores with optional since 2017 are 219, 291, 276 and 264.

Dr. Shubham Maurya MBBS
AIR 241 CSE2020-IAS
AIR 576 CSE2019-IRTS
4 Mains and 4 interviews
Med.Sci.- 219, 293, 276, 264
Essay- 149, 96*, 132, 146

My journey with UPSC has been a difficult one with multiple failures and learnings. But during these years I have gained numerous insights and experiences which I wish to share with you all so that your journey can become easier.
I’ll be sharing my strategy and notes here and I hope that it will be useful in one way or the other for you people.
I wish you all good wishes and welcome to the exciting journey of UPSC CSE prep.
Dr. Shubham Maurya

Shubham Maurya UPSC TOPPER Booklist

A brief history of modern India (Spectrum)Get Book
Indian Art and Culture by Nitin SinghaniaGet Book
Certificate Physical & Human Geography by GC LeongGet Book
AtlasGet Book
Indian Polity by LaxmikanthGet Book
Indian EconomyGet Book
Shankar IAS EnvironmentGet Book
Internal Security and Disaster Management by AshokGet Book

Essay Preparation Strategy for UPSC CSE by Dr Shubham Maurya

If I have to explain my take one essay, it’s like this-
1) every page should have approx. 2 paragraphs and each paragraph should have atleast 2 attractive points.
2)Based on your handwriting, identify the no. Of words you will write per paragraph. Then identify the no. Of paragraphs and pages you will require to complete 1000-1100 words (writing more is not good)
3) for me, the whole essay was divided into 12-14 paragraphs with 75-90 words per paragraph. With this estimation, I went for 2 initial paras for introduction and last 2 paras for conclusion and way forward. In between there were 10 paras which were used to make the body of essay breaking into multiple layers and dimensions.
4) I used to make rough sketch of essay in 15 min and then start writing based on that. I final essay paper I used to make rough sketches of both the essays in the beginning itself which took me around 30-35 min. And 1 hr per essay and 15 min for revision at last

Medical science optional booklist by Dr Shubham Maurya IAS

1) Anatomy- B D Chaurasiya
2) Embryology- I B Singh
3) Physiology- Ganong/ A K Jain
4)Biochemistry- Satyanarayan and chakrapani

5) Pathology- Harsh mohan
6) Pharmacology- K D Tripathi
7) Microbiology- Nagoba
8) Forensic Medicine- Gautam Biswas

1) Medicine- Mathews/ Medscape App
2) Surgery- Arif Naseem/ Manipal/ PG prepration book
3) PSM- Park/ PG prep book-Vivek Jain
4) Paediatrics- Ghai/ PG prep book
5) Derma- Neena khanna
6) Psychiatry- N Ahuja
7)ObGyn- Dutta/ Sakshi Arora/ Shaw

Though I have shared my medical science booklist, the list is not exhaustive. It all depends upon what books you have read during UG days.
But there is a catch in MS optional preparation – these books are not to be read cover to cover!!

There are around 200 topics included in UPSC prescribed syllabus for MS. Most of the questions are asked straightforwardly from these topics.
And since the no. of topics are manageable, if time permits I request serious aspirants to make self notes for MS. This helps consolidating the topics and help during revision of subject.
I’ll be sharing many of my self made notes of various topics. I have also studied handwritten noted of Dr. Parikshit Zade sir IAS 2017 which are available online.

Medical Science optional paper 1 presentation strategy by Dr Shubham Maurya IAS

Approach for Paper 1-

In this paper, questions are asked very similar to our Professional exams. So the approach for answers must also be similar. Before starting to study seriously, take a good look at SYLLABUS and previous years QUESTION PAPERS. Your study should be based on them only. There is no need to research and go for extra content hunting as you will not be able to retain anything. Limit your sources, consolidate them, read, revise and re-revise!!

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1)Whole syllabus of paper 1 can be divided into Ist yr and 2nd Yr syllabus of MBBS to study it systematically

2) its beneficial to make notes of Anatomy and Embryology (30-35 topics) during first reading itself and then revise them multiple times. Youtube videos can be used to understand the topics; Practice diagrams as much as possible.

3) Physiology and Neuro-physiology/anatomy (30-35 topics) – notes can be made/ PG prep books can be used- tear and consolidate pages/ youtube videos can be used.

4) Biochemistry- very small syllabus except for ‘vitamins and minerals’- make notes during first instance from book / use notes of Dr. Parikshit; vitamins and minerals as topics are vast and require multiple revisions

5) Pathology- Harsh mohan book’s topic specific pages can be torn and consolidated; practice histo diagrams properly; Topics related to Immunity are very important and questions almost always come from them so read it carefully

6) Microbiology- there are few bacteria/viruses/fungi/parasites etc to be studied here so better make notes during first reading itself; try to make a standard format of answering these questions

7) Pharmacology- only read Mechanism of Action, side effects and Uses of drugs + Classification of drugs – that will be sufficient; make notes; use youtube videos

8) Forensic Medicine- consolidate topics from the book/ make notes

How to finish syllabus for medical science optional Paper 1

Any serious aspirant can complete the syllabus for 1st Paper in 1.5 to 2 months. And then answer writing can be done to gain perspective. We have some good test series like IASdelhi for MS preparation which can be used to practice for MS optional. Use them according to your own time. I myself have not given many test and all the preparation was based on daily answer writing between prelims ans mains. But I would advice to join test series and get your answers evaluated beforehand.

Medical Science optional paper 2 presentation strategy by Dr Shubham Maurya IAS

Hello everyone, I’ll be explaining about the approach of paper 2 of Medical Science today-

1) Divide the whole topics into 2 parts- for me first part contained Medicine, Paediatrics, Psychiatry and Dermatology (non surgical ) and second part contained Surgery, Obs and Gynae and PSM

2) Reading the topics straight from the book is not advisable here as the questions asked are not direct!! Questions are mostly in form of Clinical situations where you have to identify D/D, Definitive Diagnosis, Management of the case. First go through the question paper of atleast 5-7 years to understand the questions and then start reading the topics to address the demand.

3) Approach of clinical questions has been explained very effectively by Dr Rehana Bashir in the above mentioned DKT video. Please go through that.

  • my approach was also similar, where I used to write Chief Complaints and based on signs and symptoms and physical examination results given in question, I used to come up to Differential and Definitive Diagnosis in a rational and systematic manner. Also explain crisply why a particular D/D is not a definitive diagnosis. Then in Management of the case part- based on the nature of case i.e. whether it’s an emergency or not, start writing with the physical examination you would do, the lab and other investigations that you will ask to do, then write about pharmacological treatment and then surgical/ radiological treatment. One must also include Councelling, dietary management, rehabilitative and palliative t/t if required and behavioral support in most of the cases. Then to gain more marks, write prognosis and follow-up as well in short.

4) For non clinical questions especially in PSM, try to memorise key points of various schemes and flow charts of various topics. Don’t try to remember a lot because it’s confusing and difficult. Key points and multiple revisions are going to work.

How to finish syllabus for medical science optional Paper 2

Paper 2 can be completed again in 1.5 to 2 months by any serious aspirant. To all those who want to give next attempt seriously, now is the time to work on medical science. If you work hard on regular basis, you can complete the medical science syllabus by mid February 2022 and you can also give some tests in between. If you are able to do that, it will be of great advantage to you before prelims.

Thanks and regards

UPSC Prelims Preparation Strategy by Dr Shubham Maurya IAS

I gave 5 prelims out of which I cleared 4 of them back to back. I made a simple strategy for Prelims which included these books and materials-:
1) Polity: Laxmikant repeated revision. (Most important subject for prelims where one must not to lose marks, so practice hard)

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2) Ancient and Medival Indian History: Tamil nadu publication class 11th History book + Lucent History section + New NCERTs (sometimes very random questions come from this part of history- attempt only if you are sure or can make an educated guess or else it’s always good to skip)

3) Modern India: Spectrum and New NCERTs (very important subject which helps you get good no. Of questions correct; repeated revisions required)

4)Art and culture: Nitin Singhania book + internet (use youtube to create audio-visual memory; revise repeatedly as these are bonus question)

5)Geography: NCERTs class 11 and 12+ Mrunal videos of Rajtanil mam (made notes out of them)
But there is a catch here- in the name of geography mostly map work is asked so prepare maps well. Tributaries of major indian rivers must also be learnt.

6) Economy: any standard textbook- I studied from sriram ias booklet for basics + if possible for beginners,do watch mrunal sir’s videos for better conceptual understanding (mostly simple but analytical questions are

7) Environment: any standard book- I read shankar environment book; very important subject as lots of questions are asked; try remembering facts as much as possible- Protected Areas, Biosphere Reserves, Heritage sites, Ramsar sites ,IUCN Red list organisms, Environmental Treaties, conventions and organizations etc

8) Science and Tech: the most important yet underrated subject for prelims; it decides whether you are going to clear Prelims or not to the greatest extent. (Most of the questions are Current Affairs based- read well and read current affairs of s&t of past 2 yrs as it makes intelligent guess work easier; Read space and Biotechnology+Health related topics very well)

9) Current Affairs: for me PT365 booklets were the main source of CA. I completed them atleast 1 week before prelims and after that 1-2 more revisions. It gives immense confidence before prelims exam!!

10) Miscellaneous: I read IASParliament booklet of Government schemes/Vision ias is also good but detailed ; International Organization booklet of IASParliament and Reports & Indices booklet of IASParliament in addition to above mentioned sources.

Practice Map Regularly- Indian map( physical and political map for features and individual state maps for important places and sites) and world map (physical and political- Don’t have a Bird’s Eye view instead look for as much as possible; countries/cities/rivers etc on Major latitudes/longitudes, around various seas; boundaries of important countries; deserts; Mountain ranges/passes; plateaus, lakes etc)

I used to give 8-10 GS tests and 3-4 CSAT Tests before prelims for practice. (It is always advisable to give more tests for practice and since I became a veteran I could afford to give less tests!!…So practice till you gain confidence). Never mind too much about the marks of mock tests. Practice and gradually improve. Once you staet getting ~ 90-110 marks, believe you are on right track !!

Never underestimate CSAT paper. Though you have to get only 27 out of 80 questions correct (which seems easy but believe me it’s not), it becomes very tricky in that situation where you are tired, restless and are facing bad weather conditions. Practice and make targets for no. Of questions in CSAT paper. For me, my target was very modest- I targeted for 45+ questions of CSAT paper in 2 hours and out of which even if 10 questions go wrong then also I’ll qualify!! (You can have your own strategy based on your capabilities and skills)

So this was all about my Prelims efforts. I know it’s too late for aspirants who are appearing this year on 10th Oct but for the upcoming exam, some of these experiences will come handy to you.

Till then, keep working hard.
All the best.
Thanks and regards

How to make notes for UPSC CSE by Dr Shubham Maurya IAS

Few suggestions to all those who are willing to write and make notes…..

1) Please use plain sheets/A4 sheets to write….Ruled sheets should be avoided……!!

2) for mains answer practice, use the dedicated UPSC mains answer practice notebooks available in market or get it printed and then use…!!


Motivational Post by Dr Shubham Maurya IAS

Hello friends,
Many of you are going to attempt tomorrow’s UPSC CSE Prelims. So HOW IS THE JOSH…!!..IT MUST ALWAYS BE HIGH😇😇✋✋….And I wish you all the best for tomorrow. Trust on what you have read and practiced till now. Believe on yourself. Have faith in Almighty God.
It’s important that you must stay calm and take a goon night sleep before Prelims day.
Please ensure that you have got your Admit card printed out and your ID with you during the examination. Take with you atleast 2 extra black ball point pens in case of any eventualities. Reach examination center atleast 35-40 min. before the entry starts to make yourself comfortable before exam. Use the time between the 2 papers well- either take a good nap and get refreshed or use the time to revise formulae for CSAT.
In any case, never ever lose confidence. It’s just another examination in which you are going to give your best….And come out with flying colors..!! Again…I wish you good luck for tomorrow.
Do well…!!!

Dr. Shubham Maurya

Checklist for UPSC Prelims 2021

Checklist for UPSC Prelims Exam

Medical ascience optional Paper 1 analysis by Dr Shubham Maurya IAS

My take on paper 1

1)Paper was tough and factual.

2)Science & technology and Environmental Biology related questions have become very important

3) New areas like sports have been touched upon, thereby increasing the paradigm of preparation

4) Questions on Polity and Economy were manageable and these are the questions which are going to get you into mains stage

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5) History and Art & Culture questions were moderate to difficult in nature…Similar to last year’s papers

6) Not much questions from map/international organizations/schemes/indices/Protected Areas etc…UPSC is evolving

7)I would have attempted around 80-85 questions.

Prediction of cutoff is difficult and the paper was chaotic and different than usual. Many of the coaching wallah will do their best to guess that. So wait for it.
Let’s see what’s there in paper 2 now.😇😇

Should you start Mains Preparation if you are getting 90 marks in Prelims?

Now that prelims is over and most of you have assessed your performance in Prelims paper…..If you are getting marks around and above 90 in paper 1 then start preparing for mains seriously as soon as possible.
Why I am saying that is because unlike previous attempts where ~120 days were provided, this time it would be hardly 80-90 days I.e. you all are going to get less time for mains preparation. So start early and don’t make a fuss about prelims marks and answer keys now. Go full throttle now and the time is limited….!!!!

How many answer should I write daily for UPSC CSE by Dr Shubham Maurya IAS

Make sure that you practice writing regularly from now on. You can start by writing 4-5 answers daily in the beginning and then after few days go for some good test series for GS…..For Optional, one must be very careful and no slackness can be afforded in it….Read optional atleast 2-4 hrs daily after making a workable time table….So that you finish the syllabus early and go for multiple revision and practice….The more you do these things, higher will be the chance of clearing mains with good marks…..🙏🙏😇😇

Proper practice and right strategy for UPSC CSE Mains by Dr Shubham Maurya IAS

Hello everyone,
I would like to extend my best wishes to all those who have cleared Prelims 2021. Now 65-68 days are remaining for mains exam. Written exam is the most predictable exam amongst the 3 exams of CSE. By proper practice and right strategy, mains can become a highly fruitful step for you all. It’s also important to gain maximum marks in mains as it makes 1750 of 2025 marks.

Now is high time to-
-set a stable routine
-follow time table religiously
-finish syllabus as soon as possible so that revision time remains sufficient
-revise and re-revise as much as possible
-most importantly, WRITE. write as much as possible. Even if you know things, it’s important to express it in writing. So develope a strong control over your written words!!

Keep working especially on ESSAY, ETHICS and OPTIONAL papers regularly.

Hope to see you all on the other side.
All the very best.
Keep working Hard..!!!

Dr Shubham Maurya IAS LinkedIn, Instagram, Telegram I’d

To all those who are going to give mains with Medical Science, feel free to message me on my telegram account @daacsaab02 regarding your doubts and issues.
I will try my level best to help you all for the upcoming mains.
All the best

Motivational Post by Dr Shubham Maurya IAS

Hello again,
Many of you have not cleared Prelims 2021. For you folks, I would like to say that there is no need to get afraid, agitated or feel depressed by the result. Giving UPSC exam itself requires lots of mental strength and hard work which you people have already done. It’s true that nobody likes failures as it’s painful to the core. But one must learn through them.

There are many of us in Final list of UPSC CSE 2020, who have faced multiple failures in this examination. We felt the same pain and sting of defeats. But after a while, the sun rose for us too, fortune smiled and we got into services.!! There is every possibility that you all can be in a similar situation in times to come. You can also become strong going through the process!!

Take your time. Mourn if you need. But come back strong. Come back hard. So that when next time you are in the game, you make sure that you are better than every other person in the room.!!


Always remember this.

The journey will make you very very strong and that is much more important than this exam.!!…THIS WILL MAKE YOU WORTHY FOR LIFE ITSELF…!!!

Keep working hard buddies.
All the best


How to save notes online for UPSC CSE by Dr Shubham Maurya IAS

Hello friends,
I have got one exciting suggestion for you all. If you are into making notes of Optional or GS physically on paper, then also you can get the notes pictures clicked/scanned by your mobile. Organize these notes one by one in your google drive or other online storage plateform. Initially it will look like an unnecessary and tedious task but in long run, it will help you all in having concised notes at hand anywhere anytime (internet is almost everywhere). I’ll share some snapshots of my google drive so that you can gain some perspective. It’s not mandatory but you will gain out of it significantly.
Also use your mobile gallery effectively by creating multiple folders for GS subjects and For optional too. Whenever it’s urgent, get relevant photos clicked and sorted in those folders in gallery itself and later you can make pdf out of them and add them in your google drive storage.
Believe me, it’s very useful during your revision time to have most of the things organized at one place.
Thanks and regards..!!
Keep working hard….👍👍😇😇

Dr Shubham Maurya IAS Name Services Allocation list

Dr Shubham Maurya IAS Service Allocation list
Finally by God’s Grace and blessings/well wishes of elders, relatives and friends…..It’s officially “DR. Shubham Maurya IAS” now…!!!😊😊😊😊

Best wishes to students by Dr Shubham Maurya IAS

Hello friends,
Mains Written Exam 2021 just got over. Those who have given this exam, kudos to your hard work and tireless efforts. Now it’s time to take some rest and rejuvenate and come back again to prepare for personality test.
So rest and enjoy for a while and be prepared for the next task. All the best for your results.


Dr Shubham Maurya IAS Email I’d

Hello all,
Those candidates who are going to appear for UPSC CSE Personality Test  and wish to give Mock interviews, UP govt. offers free online and offline mocks and personal mentoring by serving and retired officers under Abhuday Scheme. All those who are interested, please contact me with your credentials and Interview dates on my email- sbhm2591@gmail.com.

Thanks and regards